When you can download a whole table at once, for example LearningPlanComponents, you might experience performance issues. An alternative is to identify the number of records, and then to page a table in the OData feed.
Find the count of the number of records in a table
This returns a json where property @odata.count
contains the count of records in the table.
Note that following the format specified at OData.org generates an error and returns no data: https://demo.aptem.co.uk/odata/1.0/LearningPlanComponents/$count
Sample python code
import json
import requests
apiKey = "redacted"
url = "https://clientdemo.aptem.co.uk/odata/1.0/LearningPlanComponents?" +
headers = {'X-API-Token': apiKey}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print( response.json() )
Sample response
{'@odata.context': 'https://clientdemo.aptem.co.uk/odata/1.0/$metadata#LearningPlanComponents(Id,ProgramId)',
'@odata.count': 3622,
'value': []}
Pagination of records from a table
Not all tables in Aptem's OData feed have server-side pagination enabled. However, by requesting data properly from server by providing specific parameters ('top' and 'skip'), you can access data in pages. This involves getting x number of records using $top
and $skip
then skipping a certain number of records and then getting the next x top records.
For example, calling the following URLs will retrieve four sets of records with indexes [1:1000, 1001:2000, 2001:3000, 3001:4000] respectively:
The client-side needs to make multiple calls changing the $top
and $skip
values, such that that $skip increases by the value of $top each iteration.
Sample python code:
import pandas as pd
import json
import requests
def getOdata_by_n_records( apiKey, url = None, n = 500, verbose=False):
# function to get odata query n records at a time, default = 500
# initialise counters and resulting dataframe
i=0 ; res = True; cum_n = 0; j = 0
df_collated = pd.DataFrame() # initialise dataframe
while res != False:
if url is not None:
urlr = url + '&$top=' + str(n) + '&$skip=' + str(i)
headers = {'X-API-Token': apiKey}
response = requests.get(urlr, headers=headers)
dfi = pd.DataFrame( response.json()['value'])
if dfi.shape[0]>0: # there is data
# row bind new records that exist
df_collated = pd.concat([df_collated, dfi], axis=0)
if verbose:
print('loop', j, 'first record no.', i, n, 'df size ',
dfi.shape, 'current size df result',
df_collated.shape, cum_n )
# update counters
cum_n = cum_n + dfi.shape[0] ; i = i + n; j = j +1
if dfi.shape[0] == 0:
res = False # this will stop loop
return df_collated
Sample run
getOdata_by_n_records( apiKey =k,
url = "https://clientdemo.aptem.co.uk/odata/1.0/LearningPlanComponents?" +
n=1000 , verbose= True)
Sample output
loop 0 first record no. 0 1000 df size (1000, 2) current size df result (1000, 2) 0
loop 1 first record no. 1000 1000 df size (1000, 2) current size df result (2000, 2) 1000
loop 2 first record no. 2000 1000 df size (1000, 2) current size df result (3000, 2) 2000
loop 3 first record no. 3000 1000 df size (622, 2) current size df result (3622, 2) 3000
loop 4 first record no. 4000 1000 df size (0, 0) current size df result (3622, 2) 3622