- FAQ: How can we differentiate between cases where the RAG rating was not completed in a Review and where it was not enabled for a Review via OData?
- FAQ: What are the fields used in OData to retrieve information on usage?
- Getting data from OData collections in Excel and PowerBI
- FAQ: How do I report on hours uploaded to a specific learning plan component?
- FAQ: In OData, how do I see the sub-programmes we have as well as the learners linked?
- FAQ: How is the AgeAtStart field calculated?
- OData dictionary
- Connecting your organisation's live data to Power BI via an API
- Connecting your organisation's live data to Excel via an API
- Explaining Pagination and Counts
- Enable OData to process records in batches into PowerBI dashboard
- What date does the ‘Last feedback date’ field display in OData?
- FAQ: Why am I unable to read data from OData feeds?
- FAQ: What are the equivalent OData fields for 'Complete by' date and 'Due date’ in the learning plan?
- FAQ: In OData, how is the Employment End Date field calculated?
- FAQ: Is there an OData field for the 'Target' and 'Current' progress for the learner's Apprenticeship Standard progress?
- FAQ: Why can't I see any planned reviews in the Reviews tables in OData for some learners, even though they have a review planned?
- FAQ: Where can I find the corresponding program type to the number in the ILRAims OData entity 'ProgType'?
- FAQ: Can I report on the Learner Reference Number(LRN) using OData?
- FAQ: A Learner is showing to have been enrolled onto multiple programmes in the OData feed, although on the User profile, I can only see one additional programme. Where are these other programmes being pulled from?