As an IQA with the Internal Verifier role, you can create a sample plan via console. The QA process consists of the following stages:
- Planning for QA
- Carrying out QA
- Tutors/Trainee tutors responding to Quality Assurance feedback
To get started with the QA process, you must first plan for QA.
Planning for QA
On the learning plan, you will see some extra options that are relevant to the QA role. You can see check boxes next to each component on the left hand side. You will also see an option to show/hide where there is referred evidence.
You can also see a box showing details relevant to QA planning. The box has the following information:
- QA Required: how much QA is required for this particular learner
- Planned for QA: how much has been planned
- Ready for QA: what is ready for QA - how much has been completed or how much evidence is there that has been earmarked for QA and is now ready for QA
- Quality Assured: how much has been Quality Assured
To plan a component for QA, click the options icon ⋮ on the far right. Click Plan for QA.
You can select multiple components using the checkboxes on the left.
Once you select one or more components, you will see a panel on the top. You can use Select All to select all the currently shown components. You can use the learning plan filters to narrow your list before you use the Select All option.
Once you have selected the required components, click Plan for QA.
After you have planned the components for QA, the system sets a flag against each of the selected learning plan components. Note the indicator against each of the three learning plan components that were planned for QA.
Where there is something ready or available for QA, the system indicates that using the ready for QA icon on the component. In the following example - the icons indicate that two components have been planned for QA, one is ready for QA, and one has been quality assured.
Remove a component from the planned for QA list
To remove a component from the planned for QA list, click the options icon ⋮ on the far right. Click Remove from Planned for QA.
Note that where a programme requires 100% quality assurance, the system does not allow for activities to be removed from a state of 'Planned for QA'.
Using filters on the Learners screen
Back on the Learners screen, you can use the Ready for QA quick filter to view the learners who have components that are ready for QA.
To carry out the QA, you must navigate to the learning plan activities that are ready for QA. For further details, see: Carrying out QA.