A How-To-Guide to the Onboarding Wizard
An on-boarding wizard is a configurable step within the programme builder which enables an organisation to define a set of on-boarding steps for administrators and/or learners to complete.
You can set your onboarding to be as simple as a pre-qualification questionnaire or a more complex workflow to include the setting of mandatory tasks and assessment, realistic job goal evaluation, CV creation, personal details and circumstance questionnaires etc. The onboarding wizard can be made available to the job seeker as well as the advisor and or made optional/mandatory by choosing the right options.
The Onboarding Wizard
- Sign into your Administrator Account.
- Locate the Programmes tile.
- You will now see the Programme Builder. You can either clone an existing programme to create a new programme or click the pencil icon to edit an existing programme.
Click the ‘copy’ icon to clone a programme or click the pencil icon to edit an existing one.
The tokens available to your apprenticeship account will be highlighted in dark blue.
- Scroll down and find your ‘Onboarding Wizard’ token. As items are enabled in the Onboarding Wizard, additional headers will appear for you to complete.
The first tab of the Onboarding Wizard is titled ‘Main’. Enable this token where you want the programme to have an onboarding process.
You can set your preferences using the three check-boxes.
Your Steps tab looks like this:
You have many options that you can enable for your learners' Onboarding Wizard. Depending on the type of programme, you can choose from the list. On some options, you cannot enable the option without first configuring it at the account programme level.
For programme types such as employability, traineeship, study programme and AEB, you will see additional options to configure the on-boarding programme requirements.
The following is a list of available options:
- ILR/Individual Learner Record – When this is enabled, the ILR will be populated after the learner has completed the ILR.
- Extended ILR – When this is enabled, your Extended ILR will be populated after the ILR. While you are not required to submit these to the SFA, but you may be required to report on this further down the line.
- PLR/Personal Learning Record – When this is enabled, learners can fill in their prior learning. Before you enable the PLR in the Onboarding Wizard Steps, you must activate the connection to LRS. For further details, see: A How-To-Guide to the PLR.
- Commitment Statement – You cannot enable/disable this. A Commitment statement will be automatically generated for your programme unless you chose the "Do not create compliance documents" checkbox on the Main tab.
- Documents – This allows you to make programme specific documentation available to your learners. These could be policy documents, handbooks etc.
- Functional Skills – This is where you set your functional skills integration for Skills Forward or BKSB.
- Competencies/Skills Radar – This allows learners to fill in their self-assessments against the listed competencies.
Assessments – You can use this for quick diagnostics for employability users. You can have the learners take as assessment on transferable skills, career interests, work styles, numeracy and literacy.
Cognassist Registration – When you enable this, your learner will be able to register for Cognassist during their onboarding.
- Jobs and Placements/Workshops (administrator only) – Using this feature, an administrator can place the learner on a workshop or job placement directly.
Personal Information (non-ILR) –
Add text step – You can add a text step if you want to provide your learners some information. Using this option, you can include an introduction page, a conclusion page, and pages that separate the various sections on your onboarding wizard.
- Introduction – After you add a text step, you can rename it as Introduction. A new ‘Introduction’ tab will appear - here, you can enter the introduction information that you want your learners to see.
- Add custom questionnaire – You can add a custom questionnaire step if you want your learners to provide some additional information.
Note: Certain steps are only visible after they are enabled at the account programme level. For example, you will see the Cognassist Registration step only if you have enabled the feature at the tenant level.
Re-order and rename steps
You can re-order the steps to define the sequence in which they appear to the learner.
Use the arrows on the right to move steps up and down in the order. Please note that certain steps are dependent on other steps and thus impact your ordering preference. Where an illegal order has been created a warning will be displayed.
You can also rename a step to define how it appears to the learner. To rename a step, click the pencil icon and enter a new name for that step.
Steps with additional configuration options
Some steps have additional options that you can configure. If you choose to enable such a step, you see an additional menu item. You can navigate to the menu item to configure the step. The following section describes the steps for which you can see additional configuration options.
Documents Step
If you enable the Documents step, you can upload any documents using the Documents step menu item. After you upload a document, you can select whether the learner needs to tick a box to confirm they have read/seen this. If you want the learner to confirm that they have read/seen the document, you need to tick the ‘required’ box as shown below. To remove an entry, click the red icon on the right of your screen.
Extended ILR
You can choose to gather additional information by selecting from a list of predefined questions. Decide which questions you want to ask, and use the toggle to set your questions. By default, they are all set to enabled.
Click Add more at the bottom of the scrollable window to create your own questions. The information captured using Extended ILR is reportable.
Functional Skills
Depending on whether or not you have the integration set up, you are able to select a provider and set your functional skills integration for Skills Forward or BKSB.
Select which initial assessments you want the participants to undertake.
Use the Collect Exemption Evidence checkbox to set the ability for learner to upload Exemption evidence against English and Math.
Cognassist Registration
This step is only visible where Cognassist is enabled for the programme. When you enable this, your learner will be able to register for Cognassist during their onboarding. When the onboarding step is viewed/actioned by the learner, the learner will be registered with Cognassist, if the required learner details are populated.
In the Step details, you can enter text that is displayed to the learners. You can enter two different sets of text using two text editors. The text entered in the first text editor is displayed to a learner that has an assessment status of 'Not registered' or 'Not completed'. The text entered in the second text editor is displayed to a learner who has an assessment status of 'Awaiting results' or 'Completed'.
Add text step
You can add a text step if you want to provide your learners some information. Using this option, you can include an introduction page, a conclusion page, and pages that separate the various sections on your onboarding wizard.
Introduction Step
After you add a text step, you can rename it as Introduction. A new ‘Introduction’ tab will appear - here, you can enter the introduction information that you want your learners to see.
You can also format your text, and include hyperlinks, bullet points and numbering. You can also insert an image or a file into the text box.
You can also use the advanced html editor to visually enhance the screen that the learner will see.
You can view a detailed article here: Configuring your text step onboarding wizard.
Add custom questionnaire
You can capture information using custom questionnaires. Custom Questionnaires give you added flexibility. You can present information, and ask questions that you want the learner to answer. There are a number of types of questions you can use. Click 'Add new' to view the different question types.
Note that the information captured using custom questionnaires is reportable both in the UGR and OData.
Saving your settings
Once you have generated and populated the required steps in each section of the Onboarding Wizard, including the additional headers, click Confirm on the relevant page.
Once you have finished, click Confirm on the programme edit form.