If you aren't sure which package you're on, please check with your Customer Success Manager.
See Aptem Apprentice Pricing for information about the packages.
Note: Marking Aid is currently undergoing an Early Adopters Programme with a number of select customers. Please contact your CSM if you would like to be included in a Beta Trial later this year.
This page describes the Administrator's ability to configure Learning Plan Components to utilise the marking aid and feedback assistant functionality.
Administrators can link learning plan components to our partner's assignments seamlessly, ensuring that Learners' submissions are correctly configured to utilise this feature.
This functionality is managed at the tenant level and, therefore, requires Aptem to enable for customers before they can configure their programme-level settings to match their operational needs.
Configuring Learning Plan Components to utilise Marking Aid
- Navigate to the Programme Builder for the chosen Delivery Programme.
- Select the ‘Learning Plan’ token.
- Select ‘Add new component’ and choose the relevant Component type.
- The following Component types are recommended for use with Marking Aid:
- Digital Learning
- Miscellaneous
- Assignment (Task)
- The following Component types are recommended for use with Marking Aid:
- Complete the component creation process, pre-mapping any necessary criteria as per existing functionality.
- Select ‘Link Marking Aid Assignment’ to initiate a link between this Learning Plan Component and our partner's assignments.
Editing Learning Plan Components already utilising Marking Aid
- Existing Learning Plan Component functionality remains whereby changes can be made.
- Marking Aid assignments cannot be removed or changed to a different assignment within our partner's interface if just 1 Learner exercise has been made for that assignment linked to the Aptem Learning Plan Component.
- If no exercises have been added against the assignment linked to the Learning Plan Component, Admins will be able to change the assignment it has linked or remove it.
Linking Learning Plan Components to Marking Aid Assignments
- After selecting ‘Link Marking Aid Assignment’ an overlay will appear.
- If this is the first Marking Aid link for the programme, confirm the creation of this in the overlay by clicking the 'Start' button (a module is the equivalent of a programme).
- Select the ‘New assignment' option.
- Do not select to pick a new assignment - this option will be removed in the future.
- The title and questions fields will be displayed once ‘Create Assignment’ is selected.
- Select the ‘Use existing template’ option to use a template of an already created assignment to utilise. This will populate the title and questions from the template selected - only assignment templates (a template of an assignment is created automatically when an Admin creates an assignment) created by the logged-in Admin will be available to select.
OR - Enter an Assignment title - it is suggested to match the title to the learning plan component.
- The first question should now be added.
- A mark for the question can be selected, although this will not display in Apetm or be available for reporting elsewhere. This is suggested for the Tutors own personal reference.
- Once the first question has been added, additional questions can be added if required. Once all questions have been added, click on ‘Create assignment’.
- Select the ‘Use existing template’ option to use a template of an already created assignment to utilise. This will populate the title and questions from the template selected - only assignment templates (a template of an assignment is created automatically when an Admin creates an assignment) created by the logged-in Admin will be available to select.
‘Assignment settings’ will be displayed, at ‘Step 1: Content’.
- This will provide the ability to:
- ‘Change Template’ option to change the template to be utilised, if applicable.
- Add/edit/remove questions, if required.
- Select ‘Next Step’ once happy with the content.
- This will provide the ability to:
- ‘Step 2: Info’ will be displayed, a description should then be entered for the assignment before ‘Next Step’ is selected.
- 'Step 3: Allocation - complete as follows:
- Workflow - select ‘By Student’.
- Type - select ‘Pool marking’.
- Grader Groups - check the box of the default group that is presented. Please note, that this will only show Admins that have already logged into the system, this will not have any impact on who can mark the work of this assignment. Anyone who has access to mark the exercise from the Learning Plan will still have visibility to view and mark.
- Resubmissions - keep the default setting ‘off'.
- ‘Next Step’ can be selected.
- ‘Step 4: Grading’ - complete as follows:
- PDF Grading - suggested to keep the default setting ‘off’. The marking aid value cannot be gained using PDF uploads.
- Automatic grading - keep the default setting ‘off’.
- Anonymous grading - keep the default setting ‘off’.
- ‘Next Step’ can be selected
- ‘Step 5: Submission’ - complete as follows:
- Multiple attempts - do not select, this will restrict the new attempts allowed and will impact the Learner's submissions.
- Infinite attempts - change the setting to ‘on’.
- Only allow resubmissions if the previous one is graded - change the setting to ‘on’.
- Dates - uncheck the checkbox for ALL listed date options.
- Assignment duration - keep the default setting ‘off’.
- Marking turnaround time - keep the default setting ‘off’.
- ‘Next Step’ can be selected.
- ‘Step 6: Overrides - do not select/attempt to enter any Students and click on 'Save Changes’
- Once fields have been completed, the Summary screen will be displayed. This is the last opportunity for the Admin to make any amendments to the assignment (for the first iteration at least - all assignment amendments will need to be made by Aptem staff post creation), which can be done by selecting ‘Edit’.
- Once happy with the content, select the ‘Publish Assignment’ option which will allow this assignment to be used with Aptem Learning Plan Components.
- The overlay will now be closed and the Learning Plan Component will then be linked to the created Marking Aid assignment.
- Admins should then select the ‘Confirm’ option within the Learning Plan token and ‘Save’ within the Programme Builder for these changes to be saved against the programmes.
Saving these settings will ensure the Learners already enrolled or enrolled on these programmes in the future will be able to utilise the Marking Aid and Feedback Assistant through submitting their exercises in their Learning Plans.
Note - If Learners have already completed or submitted exercises against these Learning Plan Components Tutors may decide to refer previous exercises in favour of re-submitting through the Marking Aid flow.