Account settings page


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: none

Product area: Users



Administrators can navigate to their Aptem account settings page. Hover over your name in the top-right corner and then click Settings.


This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.


Manage your password

When you click on Settings, the “Account settings” page is displayed. On this page, you can manage your Aptem account password from “Password and sign in” tab.


To update your password please use “Manage password” form:

  • Current password (mandatory; free text input; typed text is masked): Type your current password to pass validation; If incorrect current password is entered, you will get an “Old password incorrect” error message when you click “Update”.
  • New password (mandatory; free text input; typed text is masked): Provide a new password for your account; Validation rules for a password:
    • be a minimum of 10 characters in length
    • contain a mix of letters and numbers
    • contain both upper and lower case
    • contain at least one special character
  • Once typed in, a new password will be additionally validated for its security level:
    • Weak
    • Good
    • Strong (highly recommended to gain)
  • Confirm new password (mandatory; free text input; typed text is masked): Re-type new password; If a mismatch is detected, a validation message will be displayed.
  • Number days valid (optional; free text input; enter digits only): The number of days you want your new password to be valid; if left empty, 120 days will be applied by default.

Once the password is successfully updated, a confirmation message will be displayed:


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