Aptem system email notifications behaviour

Table of contents

List of system email notifications 

Details of email notifications


List of system email notifications 

The following table lists all the emails that are sent by Aptem to different users.

  • Column 1 shows the Subject Line - this appears as a general email subject when the templated email is sent to the recipient. In some cases, a variable is used in the subject line. In the table, such variables are mentioned in brackets. For example: {Advisor.FirstName} or {UserPlacement.PlacementType}.
  • Column 2 shows the users in Aptem that this email is sent to. In this column, 'All' refers to all types of users.
  • Column 3 shows the user's notification settings for which this email will be delivered. We have three possibilities:
    • All: The email will be sent to users with a notification setting of 'All emails'. 
    • Essential: The email will be sent to users with a notification setting of 'Only essential emails'.
    • No: The email will be sent to users with a notification setting of 'No emails at all'.

In the table below, click on the subject line to view details of the system email notification.

Subject Line Email sent to Notification Settings
{UserPlacement.PlacementType} accepted Learner All
Aptem -  Application letter CRM Contact [Organisation Contact] All, Essential, No
Aptem - Comments from internal verifier Admin All, Essential, No
Aptem - Message alert All All, Essential
Aptem – time to start using Aptem Learner All, Essential
Aptem - Timesheets Admin All, Essential, No
Aptem - Upload users Admin All, Essential, No
Aptem - Your account is due to expire soon Learner All, Essential, No
Aptem - Your administrator account is due to expire soon Admin All, Essential, No
Aptem account activation Learner All, Essential, No
Aptem account password reset All All, Essential, No
Aptem activated email Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor All, Essential, No
Aptem activated email Learner All, Essential, No
Aptem new task Admin, Learner All
Aptem suggested job Learner All, Essential, No
Aptem suspended email Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor All, Essential, No
Aptem suspended email Learner All, Essential, No
Career interests Learner All, Essential, No
Documents for signing and completion Employer All, Essential
Placement/Workshop accepted CRM Contact [Organisation Contact] All, Essential, No
Placement/Workshop agreements Learner All
Placement/Workshop application Learner All
Placement/Workshop interview Learner All
Suggested jobs for you from {Advisor.FirstName}{Advisor.LastName} Any email provided All, Essential, No
Transferable skills Learner All, Essential, No
Unconfirmed user outcome Admin All, Essential, No
User application Specified email or Admin All
Welcome to Aptem you have been invited to activate your account Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor All, Essential, No
Welcome to Aptem you have been invited to activate your account Learner All, Essential, No
Welcome to Aptem your account has been activated Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor All, Essential, No
Welcome to Aptem your account has been activated Learner All, Essential, No
You appear to have stopped using your account Learner All, Essential
You have been enrolled on a new programme Learner All, Essential


Details of email notifications

The following are the details of the email notifications mentioned in the table above. Each system email notification is described in the following terms:

  • Email Subject: This appears as the general email subject when the templated email is sent to the recipient.
  • Recipients: User types who receive the templated email.
  • Notification Settings: The user notification settings for which this email will be delivered. We have three possibilities:
    • The user has set their notification settings to 'All emails'.
    • The user has set their notification settings to 'Only essential emails'.
    • The user has set their notification settings to 'No emails at all'. There are some emails which will still be sent to someone who has set this as their notification priority.
  • Trigger/Event: Scenario which should take place in order to trigger the sending of the templated email.
  • Message Template: Templated text with variables which a recipient will receive when an email is triggered.

Multiple templates

In some cases, there are multiple system emails that use the same template/subject line. These are cases where customised templates are used in addition to the standard template. For details, refer to the relevant email notification:


{UserPlacement.PlacementType} accepted

Email Subject: {{UserPlacement.PlacementType}} accepted

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to user when placement enrolment is approved - Admin moves userPlacement status to 'Enrolled'. Note that the email is NOT sent if userPlacement dates are all in the past (endDate.HasValue && endDate < DateTime.Today).

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Your {{ UserPlacement.PlacementType }} with {{Employer.Name}} has been arranged.
Date: {{UserPlacement.StartDate}}
Start date: {{UserPlacement.StartDate}}
End date: {{UserPlacement.EndDate}}
Time: {{UserPlacement.Time}}
Location: {{UserPlacement.Address}}
Please login to your Aptem account for more details.


Aptem -  Application letter

Email Subject: Aptem -  Application letter

Recipients: CRM Contact [Organisation Contact]

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to Placement Contact when Admin forwards Learner's Application letter/CV


  1. Placement is set up to have 'Application form/CV' application step enabled.
  2. Learner applies to the Placement from Placement Finder.
  3. Learner completes Application form/CV,
  4. Admin navigates to 'App/CV' form (from userPlacement) and clicks the 'forward to employer' link.

Message Template:

Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
You have {{Employee.FirstName}} {{Employee.LastName}} applying for the role of {{UserPlacement.Title}}.
Please find the Application letter/CV attached.
If you have any queries, please contact {{Employee.Contact}}.

+ Application Letter.pdf attached (if application form is configured)
+ CV.pdf attached (if CV is requested)


Aptem - Comments from internal verifier

Email Subject: Aptem - Comments from internal verifier 

Recipients: Admin

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to the Admin who performed Old Courses asset assessment, when Internal Verifier admin provides any feedback on Tutor's assessment (Verify Assessments grid -> Verify option).

Message Template:

Comments from internal verifier 
Dear {{User.FirstName}}
You have received comments from your internal verifier.
Please sign in to your account to view these comments.
Client support team


Aptem - Message alert

Email Subject: Aptem - Message alert

Recipients: All users

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to any UserType (Learner, Admin, Employer, Referrer) when the following conditions are met:

  • there are unread direct messages for recipient in Collaboration Centre
  • AND recipient's Subscription Status = Full User
  • AND ""Send new message notification emails"" <> ""Never"" (in account programme)
  • AND (minSendDate < dateTimeNow OR minSendDate=null)

Note that minSendDate is set up each time recipient gets a new unread direct message, calculated as DateTime unread message is sent + ""Send new message notification emails"" period (i.e. ""Daily"" (1 day) or ""Weekly"" (7 days)). 

Also note that minSendDate is always reset to null when recipient enters the chat with unread messages.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
You have unread messages!
There is a message waiting for you in your Aptem account.
<View Message>


Aptem – time to start using Aptem

Email Subject: Aptem – time to start using Aptem

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner who is in 'Invited' subscription status AND last invitation was sent 7 days ago; The email is triggered by a nightly job.

Message Template:

Hi <Learner_FirstName>,
We noticed that you have not started using your Aptem account yet.
Aptem has been built to help you reach your training and employment goals.
Your account provides you with a wide range of resources and tools which are available to you 24/7 from any internet connected device.
So why wait? Log in now and take advantage of all the help available to you from Aptem.
<Sign in>
If you have forgotten your password please reset your password.


Aptem - Timesheets

Email Subject: Aptem - Timesheets

Recipients: Admin

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event:  A placement enrolment contact gets the notification of enrolment hours that need to be verified. Note that currently we send emails to the deleted placement contacts.

Email is sent when:

  • Placement's Organisation type = Employer/Training/YourOrganisation
  • AND placement's Organisation has ""Send hours verification emails"" checked.
  • AND there is at least 1 learner with unverified hours by now [i.e. unverified placement-based tasks with dateTime < now] which are linked to placementContact's enrolment.
  • AND a regular system job is executed the same dayOfWeek as set up in ""Send hours verification email every"" (account programme, Placements/Workshops token).

Message Template:

"Aptem - Timesheets 
Dear {{PlacementContactFullName}}
Work timesheets have been submitted by: 
{{list of learners which have unverified hours associated to the recipient's placement enrolments - e.g. there may be the enrolments of different placements}}
Please can you click on the link to go to our website and either verify or correct the information. 
click here [link leading to unverified hours sheet, no devision by placements] 
Please can you do this as soon as possible as it is essential that accurate timesheets are maintained and any problems swiftly identified and resolved. 
If you have any queries, please contact {{PrimaryContact of YourOrganisation}} on {{TelNo of Primary contact of YourOrganisation}}. 
Thank you very much. 


Aptem - Upload users

Email Subject: Aptem - Upload users 

Recipients: Admin 

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to Admin who completed importing new users via the Users Bulk Upload functionality.

Message Template:

Upload users

+ attached ResultUploadUsers_{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.csv file


Aptem - Your account is due to expire soon

Email Subject: Aptem - Your account is due to expire soon 

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event:  Sent to Learner (of FullUser subscription status) if their subscription is to be expired in 2 weeks (ExpireUTC - today = 14 days); executed by a regular job on nightly basis.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Just a friendly reminder, your account is expiring in two weeks.
Your account is due to expire on {{User.ExpiryDate}}.
This means your account and any information related to it will be deleted. We suggest that you save any important information from your account including:
Saving any CVs - we recommend downloading them in MS Word format.
Exporting your tasks list - which will include details of any training, placement/workshop or job applications.
Printing a copy of your information library.
Saving a copy of any action plans.
If you wish to continue using Aptem, please contact the organisation who gave you your original acces code and request a new one.
<Sign in>


Aptem - Your administrator account is due to expire soon

Email Subject: Aptem - Your administrator account is due to expire soon

Recipients: Admin

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to Admin (of FullUser subscription status) if their subscription is to be expired in 2 weeks (ExpireUTC - today = 14 days); executed by a regular job on a nightly basis.

Message Template:

Your administrator account is due to expire soon 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
Please note that your Aptem administrator account is due to expire in two weeks on {{User.ExpiryDate}}.
Continued access to the advisor features will require an extension of your subscription. Please contact the person at your organisation who is responsible for Aptem usage.
Aptem client support team


Aptem account activation

Email Subject: Aptem account activation 

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: The Learner Self-registration email is sent to the email provided by learner once they submit the self-registration form.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Welcome to Aptem! 🎉
Thank you for registering for an Aptem account.
We're excited you're here and can't wait to help get you started.
Before you can login, you must activate your account.
Activate Account
Having trouble with your activation?
If the above method does not work, please go to: {{Site.BaseUrl}}/MWS.Users/Account/Activate and enter the activation key below:


Aptem account password reset

Email Subject: Aptem account password reset

Recipients: All users

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to any userType once reset password is requested

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
We’ve received a request to reset your password.
If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email. Otherwise, reset your password using the button below.
<Reset Your Password>


Aptem activated email

Email Subject: Aptem activated email

Recipients: Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event:  Sent once Admin re-activates their subscription (from Cancelled to previous status - Prospect/Invited/FullUser) AND "Send activation email" is checked on 'Activate' form by Admin who performs re-activation.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Your account has been reopened.
This email confirms that {{Account.Name}} have reopened your Aptem account. You can now use your previous username and password to login to Aptem.
Sign in
If you have forgotten your login details, you can click on the forgot password link.
If you have any queries regarding this, please speak to the person at {{Account.Name}}. who provided you with your Aptem administrator account.


Aptem activated email (for Learner)

Email Subject: Aptem activated email

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to learner once an admin re-activates their subscription (from Cancelled to previous status - Prospect/Invited/FullUser) AND "Send activation email" is checked on 'Activate' form by the admin who performs re-activation.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Your account has been reopened.
This email confirms that {{Account.Name}} have reopened your Aptem account. You can now use your previous username and password to login to Aptem.
<Sign in>
If you have forgotten your login details, you can click on the forgot password link.
Any information you have previously entered into Aptem will still be available to you. If you have any queries regarding this, please speak to the person at {{Account.Name}} who provided you with your Aptem administrator account.


Aptem new task

Email Subject: Aptem new task

Recipients: Admin, Learner 

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails

Trigger/Event:  Sent to Learner/Admin (of ""FullUser"" Subscription Status) when another Admin creates a task for them. NOTE: Only if task is not linked to Placement/Workshop enrolment.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
You have been allocated a task by {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}}!
Please log into your Aptem account to view the task.
<View Task>


Aptem suggested job

Email Subject: Aptem suggested job

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent when admin suggests the job to a selected Learner [of Subscription Status = FullUser] from Job Finder.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
You have a new job suggestion.
A vacancy on Aptem that you may be interested in has been suggested by {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}}.
<View Job>


Aptem suspended email

Email Subject: Aptem suspended email 

Recipients: Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor 

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to userTypes <> Learner when their subscription is being Cancelled AND Suspended email delivery is confirmed by Admin who performs the cancellation; Unsubscription is applicable for Prospect, Invited, FullUser statuses.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Your account has been closed.
This email confirms that your Aptem administrator account provided by {{Account.Name}} has been suspended. If you have any queries regarding this please speak to the person at {{Account.Name}} who provided you with your Aptem administrator account.


Aptem suspended email (learner)

Email Subject: Aptem suspended email

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner once Admin cancels their subscription (so that Learner's Subscription status is now 'Cancelled') AND confirms Suspended email delivery for Learner; Unsubscription is applicable for Prospect, Invited, FullUser statuses.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Your account has been closed.
This email confirms that {{Account.Name}} have closed your Aptem account. If you have any queries regarding this please speak to the person at {{Account.Name}} who provided you with your Aptem administrator account.


Career interests

Email Subject: Career interests

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner when they finish the Career interests questionnaire (/main/JobInterests.aspx).

Message Template:

Career interests 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
Please find your """"Career interests"""" report attached.
With best wishes,
The Aptem team

+ JobInterests.pdf attached


Documents for signing and completion

Email Subject: Documents for signing and completion 

Recipients: Employer 

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to Employer when they are requested to sign the compliance document(s); executed only if "Sign and invite employer" Compliance Mass Processing's option is used.

Message Template:

Documents are ready for your signing and completion.
This email was sent on behalf of {{Account.Name}}
Dear Colleague
NB. Please ensure that you have already registered on Aptem via our previous email before proceeding.
Thank you for being the signatory on Aptem for your organisation’s {{Account.Name}} programme. Documents have been prepared and are ready for your signing and completion. We need you to sign these documents for each learner please. If you are signing for multiple learners you can review and sign all with one click.
If you have any queries, please contact {{Account.Name}}.
Sign now
If you believe you have received this email in error or have any other queries please contact {{Account.Name}}.


Placement/Workshop accepted

Email Subject: Placement/Workshop accepted

Recipients: CRM Contact [Organisation Contact]

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to <recipient>* when Admin enrols a Learner on a placement AND confirms notification being sent to Employer (""Would you like to notify the employer?"")

*<recipient> = placement contact, otherwise placement's Organisation Primary contact

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
You have {{Employee.FirstName}} {{Employee.LastName}} attending for the role of {{UserPlacement.Title}}.
The placement/workshop details are:
Date: {{UserPlacement.StartDate}}
Start date: {{UserPlacement.StartDate}}
End date: {{UserPlacement.EndDate}}
Time: {{UserPlacement.Time}}
If you have any queries, please contact {{Employee.Contact}}.


Placement/Workshop agreements

Email Subject: Placement/Workshop agreements

Recipients:  Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner once Admin uploads or marks as 'skipped' Agreements on userPlacement of 'Work Experience' type and Enrolled/Finished/Lapsed status.


  1. Learner finishes Application step of Placement/Workshop Wizard.
  2. Admin creates a userPlacement enrolment for Learner (placement type should be 'Work Experience').
  3. Admin uploads Agreements on the userPlacement.
  4. Email is sent.

Message Template:

Placement/Workshop agreements 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
You have been allocated a placement/workshop opportunity at {{Employer.Name}}
At {{PlacementAddess}}
On {{UserPlacementStartDate}} to {{UserPlacementEndDate}}
Please click here and log into Aptem to complete and download the required paperwork for your placement/workshop.
Good luck with you placement/workshop.
With best wishes,
The Aptem team


Placement/Workshop application

Email Subject: Placement/Workshop application

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to the Learner when placement enrolment is rejected (Admin moves userplacement status to 'Rejected').

Message Template:

Placement/Workshop application 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
Unfortunately your application for a placement/workshop with {{Employer.Name}} has not been successful.
Please sign into your Aptem account to apply for other placements/workshops.
With best wishes,
The Aptem team


Placement/Workshop interview

Email Subject: Placement/Workshop interview

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to a Learner when an Interview is created/updated upon Shortlisted/Applied userplacement; Note that Interview is one of Applications steps which may be configured on the placement - ""Interview/event"".

Message Template:

Placement/Workshop interview 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
You have an interview with {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}} regarding your placement/workshop application with {{Employer.Name}}.
The interview details are:
Interviewer: {{UserPlacement.ContactName}}
Time: {{Interview.Time}}
Date: {{Interview.StartDate}}
You should prepare for this interview by reading the placement/workshop description and your application letter.
Please sign into your Aptem account for more details.
With best wishes,
The Aptem team


Suggested jobs for you from {Advisor.FirstName}{Advisor.LastName}

Email Subject: Suggested jobs for you from {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}}

Recipients: Any email provided

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to any email provided by Admin on 'Email Jobs' form.


  1. Admin saves jobs from Job finder
  2. From Classic, admin navigates to Job Finder -> Jobs to suggest
  3. Selects at least 1 job
  4. Clicks on 'Email job details'
  5. Provides email the info will be sent to.

Message Template:

Suggested jobs for you from {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}} 
This email is sent from Aptem by {{Advisor.Email}}. Please reply to me at this address.
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}

Title Date URL
{{job.JobTitle}} {{job.JobDateFound}} {{job.JobUrl}}

Kind regards,
{{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}}


Transferable skills

Email Subject: Transferable skills  

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to learner when they finish Transferable Skills questionnaire (/main/SkillMapping.aspx)

Message Template:

Transferable skills 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
Please find your """"Transferable skills"""" report attached.
With best wishes,
The Aptem team

+ SkillMapping.pdf attached


Unconfirmed user outcome

Email Subject: Unconfirmed user outcome

Recipients: Admin 

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to learner's case owner / Admin in case the learner creates a 'Got a Job?' record from Classic and a Job tracker is automatically created as a result.

Message Template:

Unconfirmed user outcome 
Dear {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}},
A new unconfirmed outcome has been registered for {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}. Click here to confirm this outcome.


User application

Email Subject: User application

Recipients: Specified email or Admin

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to <recipient> when Learner completes 'Application' step of Placement/Workshop Wizard. Where <recipient> = email provided in 'Application e-mail' field on 'Application/Code of conduct' step of Placement/Workshop Wizard token on Learner's programme; otherwise - Learner's caseOwner".

Message Template:

User application 
Dear {{User.FirstName}} {{User.LastName}}
Student {{LearnerFullName}} has completed the initial placement/workshop application.
With best wishes,
The Aptem team

+ Application questionnaire-yyyy.MM.dd-H.mm.ss.pdf attached if Application questionnaire file has been generated

* Application questionnaire file is to be generated if 'Application' = 'Standard' on 'Application/Questions' step of Placement/Workshop Wizard on account programme


Welcome to Aptem you have been invited to activate your account

Email Subject: Welcome to Aptem you have been invited to activate your account

Recipients: Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to userTypes <> Learner when they get their Subscription status = Invited (or Aptem Invitation request has been resent from User Profile, Classic).

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Welcome to Aptem! 🎉
You have been invited by {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}}. We're excited you're here and can't wait to help get you started.
Before you can login, you must activate your account.
<Activate Account>


Welcome to Aptem you have been invited to activate your account (learner)

Email Subject: Welcome to Aptem you have been invited to activate your account

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner when they get their Subscription status = Invited (or Aptem Invitation request has been resent from User Profile, Classic); ""Default"" template option of ""User activating email template"" (account programme -> Email Templates token).

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Welcome to Aptem! 🎉
You have been invited by {{Advisor.FirstName}} {{Advisor.LastName}}. We're excited you're here and can't wait to help get you started.
Before you can login, you must activate your account.
<Activate Account>


Welcome to Aptem your account has been activated

Email Subject: Welcome to Aptem your account has been activated

Recipients: Admin, Employer, Referrer, EPAAssessor

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails
  • No emails at all

Trigger/Event: Sent to userType <> Learner once they have activated their Aptem account.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Your account has been activated
You can now sign in with the password you set when you created your account.
Username: {{User.Login}}
<Sign in>


You appear to have stopped using your account

Email Subject:  You appear to have stopped using your account 

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner who is in 'Full User' subscription status AND hasn't logged into Aptem for 14 days (i.e. Today - LastActivityDate =14 days); executed by a regular job on nightly basis

Message Template:

Hi <Learner_FirstName>,
We haven't seen you in a while.
I hope this is because you have been successful in completing your programme on Aptem. If so, congratulations! I would be delighted to hear about how Aptem may have helped you.
Alternatively, if you wish to keep your account active, please use the button below to sign in.
Sign in
If you no longer wish to use your account, but still want keep it open until the end of your subscription period in case you need to refer to anything you have already created, you can choose to stop receiving emails from Aptem by changing the email options on your Account Settings .
We hope that you continue to find Aptem to be useful.


You have been enrolled on a new programme

Email Subject: You have been enrolled on a new programme

Recipients: Learner

Notification Settings: Users with the following notification settings will get this email:

  • All emails
  • Only essential emails

Trigger/Event: Sent to Learner (of FullUser subscription status) once they are enrolled on a Delivery programme.

Message Template:

Hi {{User.FirstName}},
Ready for your next step!
It’s time for you to get started on the next part of your journey. Please use the button below to sign into Aptem to get going.
<Sign in>


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