- FAQ: Why have I got the "Error - User Credentials were Incorrect" message in the EPAPro integration?
- FAQ: If a learner modifies their contact address in Aptem, is this change automatically reflected in the EPA PRO section?
- FAQ: Does changing a learner's EPAO automatically re-register them with a new EPAO? Would this remove their old EPAO registration or would we be required to clear these by another method?
- FAQ: If we only use the Manager field in Aptem and the ‘Mentor phone number’ field in EPAPro needs to be updated, where in Aptem do we input this?
- FAQ: Can you bulk populate the 'Assessor number' field for EPAPro in Aptem via CSV upload?
- FAQ: Where do you need to update the Assessor phone number in Aptem to reflect this in EPA Pro?
- FAQ: Where in Aptem would you update a learner's surname and email address to reflect this change in EPA Pro?
- epaPRO Integration