The following is a list of elearning courses available on the Advice Centre in Aptem.
- Achievements
- Applying for vacancies introduction
- Continuous Improvement with 3G
- Covering letters
- Creating a CV introduction
- Direct approaches
- Education, training and qualifications
- Employer research
- English for CVs
- Face to face interviews
- Following up job applications
- Grow your mindset
- Hidden vacancies
- Hobbies and Additional Information
- How Aptem can help
- How to settle into your new job
- How to write an effective CV
- Interactive Interview
- Interview skills introduction
- Introduction to mindset
- Job application Forms
- Job boards
- Job offers
- Key mindset qualities
- Kickstart introduction
- Market Yourself the 3G Way
- Measure your 3G mindset
- Mindset introduction
- Networking
- Newspapers and trade press
- Personalising your job search
- Power Words
- Preparing for interview questions
- Recruitment agencies
- References
- Searching for vacancies introduction
- Skeletons in your cupboard
- Starting a new job introduction
- Starting your first job
- Telephone interview skills
- Tests and assessments
- Transferrable Skills
- Travelling to your interview