The self-employment milestone function enables you to track and manage the status of a participant who has moved into self-employment. A participant who has moved into self-employment has a different milestone calculation, as self-employment is measured in time as opposed to earnings.
The Projected self-employed milestone date is calculated as follows:
Projected self-employed milestone date = Self-employment start date + 26 weeks
A self-employed milestone will be auto generated once the projected 26-week period has passed for a participant.
To ensure that the milestone will be auto generated, you will need to create a 'Self-employment' job outcome type tracker from the participant profile in Aptem console.
Create a 'self-employed' job outcome tracker
- Sign in to your administrator account.
- Search for the participant that you want to add the ‘Job outcome/start’ tracker to.
- Use the dropdown under the View column and select Trackers.
- You can also navigate to the Trackers section via the participant profile page by using the participant menu option titled Trackers.
- On the Trackers screen, click Create Tracker in the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Under Type, select Self-Employment.
- Enter the Job Title and Description.
- Note that completing the 'organisation' details is not a mandatory requirement. Select the organisation from the drop-down list. If the organisation does not have an organisation profile in Aptem, you can add one by clicking on the plus sign.
- If you are creating an Organisation, you must enter/note the following:
- In order to create a job outcome tracker, the status of the organisation must be 'Confirmed'.
- Add organisation name (mandatory)
- Add owner - relationship owner with the employer (mandatory)
- Category - Industry type for reporting purposes (optional)
- UKPRN - not required for employability programmes, only for ESFA programmes i.e., Apprenticeships (optional)
- Website - optional
- Click Add to save.
- Back on the Create Tracker screen, enter the start date of self-employment.
- You do not need to enter the end date (unless you are editing the outcome tracker to specify that the period of self-employment has ended for the participant before the 26-week period has been completed).
- Enter the Weekly Working Hours.
- If required, you can upload evidence to the documents section.
- Click Create to create the tracker.