Create a self-employed job outcome tracker


The self-employment milestone function enables you to track and manage the status of a participant who has moved into self-employment. A participant who has moved into self-employment has a different milestone calculation, as self-employment is measured in time as opposed to earnings. 

The Projected self-employed milestone date is calculated as follows: 

Projected self-employed milestone date = Self-employment start date + 26 weeks 

A self-employed milestone will be auto generated once the projected 26-week period has passed for a participant. 

To ensure that the milestone will be auto generated, you will need to create a 'Self-employment' job outcome type tracker from the participant profile in Aptem console.


Create a 'self-employed' job outcome tracker 

  1. Sign in to your administrator account.
  2. Search for the participant that you want to add the ‘Job outcome/start’ tracker to.
  3. Use the dropdown under the View column and select Trackers.mceclip1.png
  4. You can also navigate to the Trackers section via the participant profile page by using the participant menu option titled Trackers.
  5. On the Trackers screen, click Create Tracker in the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Under Type, select Self-Employment.
  7. Enter the Job Title and Description.
  8. Note that completing the 'organisation' details is not a mandatory requirement. Select the organisation from the drop-down list. If the organisation does not have an organisation profile in Aptem, you can add one by clicking on the plus sign.
  9. If you are creating an Organisation, you must enter/note the following:
    • In order to create a job outcome tracker, the status of the organisation must be 'Confirmed'.
    • Add organisation name (mandatory)
    • Add owner - relationship owner with the employer (mandatory)
    • Category - Industry type for reporting purposes (optional)
    • UKPRN - not required for employability programmes, only for ESFA programmes i.e., Apprenticeships (optional)
    • Website - optional
    • Click Add to save.
  10. Back on the Create Tracker screen, enter the start date of self-employment.
  11. You do not need to enter the end date (unless you are editing the outcome tracker to specify that the period of self-employment has ended for the participant before the 26-week period has been completed).
  12. Enter the Weekly Working Hours.
  13. If required, you can upload evidence to the documents section.
  14. Click Create to create the tracker.
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