You can view your profile - your personal details, your programme details, and learning support information. Where applicable, you can also view your PRaP details.
You can navigate to the participant profile from the participant details card on the participant dashboard.
The Participant Profile screen is displayed. Here, you can see view the following information:
- Programme details
- Participant details
- Learning support details
- PRaP details (where applicable)
Programme details
In this section, you can view your programme details.
The programme details are shown in 4 sections:
- Programme details
- Sub-Programmes (where applicable)
- Qualifications
Participant details
In this section, you can view details relating to your profile, and your contact information. Where configured, you will see sections relating to employer details and referrer details.
The participant details are shown in the following sections:
- Profile section
- Contact section
- Employer section (if configured)
- Referrer section (if configured)
Mandation details (if configured)
Additional Information (where custom fields have been used to capture information relevant to the participant)
Learning Support
In this section, you can view your learning support needs.
PRaP Details