You can use Job Finder to support job seekers in finding appropriate vacancies to apply for. You can search for jobs using various tools and filters, you can shortlist jobs, and you can suggest jobs to your participants.
Click Job Finder from the participant navigation menu of your participant.
You can also navigate directly from the Participant management screen, by selecting Job Finder from the View column dropdown.
The Job Finder screen is displayed.
Search for jobs
You can search for jobs by the following ways:
Search by Job Category
To search using Job Categories, click Search by Job Category.
A popup screen is displayed. You can choose from a list of job types. Make your selection, and click Save.
Based on your selection, the system displays a list of relevant jobs.
Assisted search
To use an assisted search, click Help Me Search.
A popup screen is displayed. You must select the statements that best describe your personality and work readiness. Make your selections, and click Save.
Based on your selection, the system displays a list of relevant jobs.
Search by keyword or location
You can use the Job Finder to search for jobs by keyword, and/or by location.
To search by keyword, type in a job title, a skill or a keyword.
To search by location, type in a location name or a postcode.
After you type in your search criteria, click Search Jobs on the far right.
Based on your inputs, the system displays a list of relevant jobs.
Using Filters
You can use Filters to narrow down the list of jobs. Click Filters.
The Filters pane opens on the right of your screen.
You can choose a maximum of one item under each filter category. When you set your filters, the job grid will be updated based on your filters. The Filters button shows the number of filters that have been applied to the job grid - in this case, 5.
Viewing job details
To view a job detail, click on the job job title. A panel with the job details opens up on the right of your screen. You can expand, or minimise the panel using the controls on the top right of the panel.
You can use the job detail side panel to Save the job in your shortlist, or to Delete the job from the list of jobs. To view further job details, you can click View Post.
Shortlist jobs
To save a job for later reference, you can shortlist a job. To shortlist a job, select a job. The job details open up on the pane to your right. On the job details pane, click Save.
A notification on the bottom left of your screen confirms that the job has been shortlisted.
View shortlisted jobs
The jobs you shortlist are saved for you to view later. Use the toggle to view the shortlisted jobs.
Suggest jobs
If you want to suggest some of these jobs to a participant or to a group of participants on the program, select the job / jobs you want to suggest.
After you select one or more jobs, an additional message and button will appear above the job grid. Click Suggest All.
On the popup screen, select the participants you want to suggest the jobs to.
Click Suggest Jobs.
The selected participants will be notified about the suggested jobs. They can also see the suggested jobs in the jobseeker console. When your participants apply for a job, you will be notified.