Overview - Documents
Aptem allows you to view all the documents relevant to a participant. Please note: This is not evidence that forms part of the participant's portfolio.
To view your participant's documents, click Documents from the participant navigation menu of your participant. You can also navigate directly from the Participants screen, by selecting Documents from the View column dropdown.
The Documents screen opens. You can see documents organised into various folders depending on the programme type and settings.
In the participant's documents folder, which is titled with the participant's name, you can see:
- documents that were uploaded by the participant
- documents that were uploaded by the Coach
- documents shared with the participant through the messaging system
In this folder, you can also add documents.
The Compliance Documents folder contains any compliance documents that are required for the programme. Where the participant has previously enrolled on to more than one program, the compliance documents of previous programmes can also be viewed here.
The Programme Documents folder contains documents that have been attached at a programme level. This is usually controlled by the person responsible for building your curriculum plans and programme design.
The Reviews folder will contain all of the completed review documents that are populated at the end of the review process. This information can also be viewed directly from with the Reviews section of the participant's record.
In some cases, you will see a To do folder. This indicates that there are documents that require signatures to be applied to them. If all signatures have been captured this folder does not appear.
Adding a Document
Click Add Document on the top-right of your screen.
The Upload Document screen will open. Use Select File or drag and drop the file to upload. You can add a description for your file.
The supported file types are: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx, .txt, .csv, .eml, .msg, .zip, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .mp3, .mpeg, .aac, .flac, .mp4a, .m4a, .wav, .wma, .aiff, .3gp, .mp4, .avi, .flv, .m4v, .webm, .wmv, .odt, .ods, .odp, .arf and .wrf
Please ensure that the file you are uploading does not exceed 1 GB.
You can also choose whether or not you want the document to be visible to the participant by checking the 'Visible to User' checkbox.