Overview - Messages


Using the messages functionality, you can view messages that have been sent by your participants. You can view system notifications, reminders of upcoming and overdue tasks, and documents that need your electronic signature.

You can search for specific people who have communicated with, you can search for words within a conversation. You can send messages and attachments to your participants.


Messages specific to a participant

To view messages you exchanged with a particular participant, click Messages from the participant navigation menu of your participant's record.

The Messages screen is displayed.

Here, you can view the messages you have exchanged with that participant. To post a message, simply type in a reply and click Send.

You can also attach a file, which will send as a separate message and also be visible in the participant's 'documents' folder.



Viewing all your messages

To view all your messages, navigate to Messages from the left menu. If you have any unread messages, you can see an icon with a number representing the number of unread messages.


Click Messages on the left menu. The Messages screen is displayed.

On the left, you see a the list of all the people you had conversations with. You can use the search functionality on the top left to find people that have sent you messages.


Click on a message thread to open up that conversation. Once a message thread has been viewed, all unread messages within that thread are marked as read.

You can use the search on the top right to search for items within the message thread.


Replying to messages

You can reply to messages sent to you by another person.  Please note that you cannot reply to system notifications and reminders. To reply, type in your message and click Send.


If you want to send a file via messages, click the attachment icon.  Please note that files will be sent as a separate message, so you can choose whether to send these before or after your text response.


Use Select File or drag and drop the file to upload. You can add a description for your file.

The supported file types are: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx, .txt, .csv, .eml, .msg, .zip, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .mp3, .mpeg, .aac, .flac, .mp4a, .m4a, .wav, .wma, .aiff, .3gp, .mp4, .avi, .flv, .m4v, .webm, .wmv, .odt, .ods, .odp, .arf and .wrf

Please ensure that the file you are uploading does not exceed 1 GB.

After attaching the file, click Send.

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