Using the Reviews tab on the side bar, you can view a list of planned and finished reviews to track your progress.
You can view the planned review and finished review lists by navigating to the relevant tab.
You can see a maximum of 10 items per screen, the most recent reviews listed first. To view older review items, use the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen.
The planned reviews list has the following details:
- Reviewer
- Planned/Scheduled date
- Status
- Review Actions
The finished reviews list has the following details:
- Reviewer
- Planned/Scheduled date
- Completed date
- Status
- Review Actions
View a detailed review
In case of finished reviews, you can view the detailed review within the platform.
To see a review, click on View under Review Actions.
Reviews are divided into various sections. You can expand or collapse a section by clicking it, as shown.
Here, you can see the Participant Information, Skills Radar and Learning Progress sections.