Learning plan synchronisation


Learning plan synchronisation functionality gives you the ability to make changes to one learner’s learning plan and then to synchronise this across other learners’ learning plan, thus saving you time instead of having to redo this on an individual per learner basis.

The permissions required to use the learning plan synchronisation functionality differ based on several factors. For details, see: Permissions required for synchronisation.



  1. Navigate to your learner’s learning plan.
  2. Make the changes you want to make, for example: amending the due date for an activity, deleting an activity, editing activity details, selecting additional criteria mapping, etc.
  3. Once you have made all changes, click Sync Activities on the top right of your screen.


  4. If the learner is on only one delivery programme, this program is selected by default. In cases where there is more than one programme, you can choose from the dropdown menu. A full list of all activities available for you to 'sync' will be displayed; you can filter the activities to only show activities of a particular type. This will filter the list to only show you the relevant activities. If there are many activities, the list may span several pages. Where there have been updates to activities, deletions or activities have been created these activities will be pre-selected for synchronisation.


    You can use the Activity Type filter or the Search functionality to locate the activity you are looking to synchronise.

  5. Use the checkboxes to select the activities you wish to synchronise.

  6. You can choose to select all the activities displayed on a page, or all the activities across all the pages. 
  7. After you have selected the list of activities to be synchronised, click Next.
  8. On the Select Learners step, learners on the same programme will be displayed for you to select from. 
  9. You can filter the learners by using the available filters: Programme Status, Groups, and Tutors. Within each filter, you can use the search functionality to filter learners by a specific criteria. Note that learners with a 'Pending Change of Programme' status will not show up on the list.
  10. Select your learner(s) and click Next.
  11. On the Select Conditions step, you specify conditions for the synchronisation. On the left, you can choose to apply the synchronisation to activities with specific statuses. On the right, you can see two options: 
    • "Apply ONLY changes": This is the default option, but is disabled in cases where no recent changes have been made to the learning plan. Selecting this option will ONLY apply the recent changes that you have made to activities. Note that this includes the 'Planned for QA' status changes and 'Delivery via Employer' option.
      • Recent changes are changes that have been made since the administrator accessed the Learner record. Navigating within the Learner record is permitted, however if administrator navigates away from the record the changes will no longer be regarded as 'recent'.
      • Please note that for synchronization relating to recent changes to work properly, the system time should be correct.
    • "Apply and overwrite ALL Activity attributes": Selecting this option will apply all of the attributes for the selected activities to the learners that you have selected, and not just the recent changes. For example, you can use this option to synchronise changes made to a Review Type..

  12. Select the applicable conditions, and click Next.
  13. The Summary screen summarises the options selected in the tool, and lists the learners who will be affected by the synchronisation. The Summary displays:
    • Number of activities selected
    • Number of learners selected
    • Selected programme or sub-programme
    • Number of component statuses selected
    • Selected component statuses
    • In case there are some learners for whom some activities will not be synchronised, this is mentioned as a warning.


  14. The following columns are shown on the Summary grid:
    • Activity
    • Activity type
    • Action: Synchronise, or Create, or Delete 
    • Last Updated date
    • Number of learners that this activity will be synchronised for
    • Number of learners that this activity will not be synchronised for
  15. In the Summary grid, you can see the expanded view for each activity to see the details of Learners to be synchronised and the Learners not synchronised.
  16. You can navigate to the Learners not synchronised to view the learner/programme details, and the reason why the learner cannot be synchronised. Where the administrator does not have permission to add/edit/delete but attempts to synchronise, the reason for not being able to sync will be displayed here. Also, note that the reason for not being able to synchronise will not be displayed in Classic, although the same rules apply.
  17. To proceed, click Confirm & Synchronise.
  18. Once the synchronisation is successful, you will see a success message at the bottom left of your screen.


Subject to what was specified on the Summary screen, the learners will now have the synchronised changes made in their learning plans.


Notes regarding component owner

In case you selected 'Apply and overwrite ALL Activity attributes', and if source component's owner is the same as the source learner's case owner, then the destination component's owner will not be updated if destination component exists, or set to null/unassigned if destination component does not exist yet.

In case you selected 'Apply ONLY Changes', there is no change to the target learner's component owner unless it was modified explicitly - in this case it will be synchronised along with other fields to match the source learner's component configuration.


Permissions required for synchronisation

  • Administrators with the Supervisor or Compliance QA permissions will always be able to add/edit/delete in all scenarios.
  • Users with the Internal Verifier permission can add/remove an activity from a 'Planned for QA' state and sync this change for any activity that is in any state.
  • Note that where administrators do not have any of the permissions required to enable a sync, the Synchronise button will be hidden.
    Although the sync permissions apply to both Classic and Console, you will not see warnings etc. in Classic.

Add Activity

  • To add a Programme Template activity which was previously removed from learner's learning plan and is now being re-added via synchronisation, administrators must have any one of the following permissions: Advanced Delivery Management (Add), Supervisor or Compliance QA.

Edit Activity

  • To edit a Programme Template 'non-finished' activity, administrators must have any one of the following permissions: 'Advanced Delivery Management (Edit)', 'Supervisor' or 'Compliance QA'.
  • To edit a Programme Template 'finished' activity, administrators must at least one of the following:
    • the Advanced Delivery Management (Edit) AND Edit/Delete Finished Components permissions
    • the Supervisor permission
    • the Compliance QA permission.

Delete Activity

  • To delete a Programme Template 'non-finished' activity, administrators must have any one of the following permissions: Advanced Delivery Management (Delete), 'Supervisor' or 'Compliance QA'.
  • To delete a Programme Template 'finished' activity, administrators must have at least one of the following:
    • the Advanced Delivery Management (Delete) AND Edit/Delete Finished Components permissions
    • the Supervisor permission
    • the Compliance QA permission.


Synchronising a Review*

All settings from activity form will be applied, but the second user will receive his own unique activity - A review with a status of Not Started, and, optionally, already scheduled tasks based on the source Schedule Review values.

After synchronisation between Not Completed and Completed activities, when the schedule date/time was changed in the Not Completed component, the date/time is not amended in the completed Review meeting task and the completed review, but is amended in the learning plan component.

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