Preparing for R14 and the new academic year

Preparing for R14 and the new academic year in Aptem

As we look to the end of one academic year and the start of the next, there are many considerations for your team. These might include changes to the funding rules, new or improved programmes, your SAR, your QIP, and perhaps even new internal organisational structures to take into account.

In this session, Implementation Consultant, Angela Metcalfe, demonstrates how Aptem functionality can help you navigate this critical period. She covers:

  • R14 preparation and maximising funding and QAR.
  • Responding to external changes such as funding rules, compliance document templates, new versions of standards/qualification criteria and changes in curriculum delivery or EPAO requirements.
  • Best practice around version control.
  • Reflecting internal team changes in Aptem.
  • Staying on track throughout the year.
  • Q&A

Please note that your organisation's chosen Aptem package determines your access to functionality covered in this webinar. Please speak to your designated Aptem Superuser (previously known as Aptem Champion) or your Customer Success Manager for further information.


Q and A transcript

The following is a transcript of the questions asked during the webinar, along with the answers provided by product experts. For any further information, do contact your Implementation Consultant, Customer Success Manager or Aptem Support.

The standard for our apprentices is currently under review, if the new standard is released in-year, how will this affect current learners?
We would recommend as soon as the new standard is released, raise a ticket on Help Centre for a qualification update request detailing the changes to KSBs. There can be a 4-6 week turnaround on these requests, so build that into your planning.

You would then need to review your delivery to plan any new programmes that need to be configured.

Changing scheme on Programme tab for ILR - will this only effect new learners on the programme going forward?
The 24-25 schema applies to new starts from 01 August 2024.


If we have learners with last date of learning in 23/24 but completes EPA in 24/25 do we need to manually update ILR?

We would recommend using Process Automation trackers for completing ILR data in Aptem. Please see Help Centre guidance for details:

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