Data management in Aptem to maximise your QAR
Apprenticeship achievement rates are always a hot topic, and a drop in achievement rates can significantly impact businesses, leaving them at risk of intervention. It’s vital to act early and identify learners that are in-scope and likely to affect overall achievement rates.
With this in mind, this session delved into some of the functionality in Aptem that aids customers in managing their in-scope learners to improve overall outcomes.
Through a mixture of presentations and practical demonstrations, Aptem’s Implementation Consultants covered the following areas:
- QAR reports in Aptem and what they signify.
- How to maximise QAR and identify learners that could impact achievement rates.
- Tools within Aptem to help manage in-scope learners.
- Q&A
Q and A transcript
The following is a transcript of the questions asked during the webinar, along with the answers provided by product experts. For any further information, do contact your Implementation Consultant, Customer Success Manager or Aptem Support.
If you say the hybrid end year could be the "reporting year" (if it is the latest of all those mentioned), would this include if we have force-included them in the ILR for some reason after we have already processed them? For example, I have force-included a couple who completed a year. Still, the final employer contribution payment wasn't paid and, therefore, recorded until after R14 - we got the completion payment for them. Still, it was just the final employer payment, which wasn't showing on the co-investment reports, so I force-included them. Would this have changed their hybrid end year?
The QAR reports were updated to reflect the force, including the flag as an indicator of the reporting year, so this would impact the Hybrid End Year.
What measurements does the expected QAR take into consideration? Does it use QAR risk as a negative factor?
Expected looks at the current achievement rate and projects this across your continuing learners.
Is this the current achievement figure, not the expected?
It will look at the achievement for your current completions and apply this rate to the continuing learners. So if the current achievement is 50%, it will assume your continuing learners will also achieve at a rate of 50%
If a learner is withdrawn in this current contract year but their planned end date is the next contract year, are they counted in this year or next?
Since the planned end date is the latter of the two dates, the planned end date would define the hybrid end year. So they will count in next year.
Would the same apply if their planned end date was last contract year, but they were withdrawn this year? Would they count in this year's QAR?
Yes - QAR will always take the latter of the four dates - planned end date, actual end date, achievement date and reporting date. This will define the hybrid end year using the latter of all the dates.
Will there be a function to report on failures for functional skills?
This will depend on how you report your functional skills failures in Aptem. We will arrange for your CSM to reach out to discuss options.
Will the learner see the marker against them in their profile?
Markers are only visible to Admins. They need to be visible to learners or employers.
Can you mass-add markers to a group of apprentices?
Markers are added per individual.
Please can we have the UGR report fields you have just shown so we can create the report ourselves?
The following fields were used in the demo, but you should use the fields that are appropriate to your organisation's current QAR reporting:
From the CRM Table:
- Case Owner
- Employer Organisation
From the ILR table:
- Start date
- Planned end date
- Standard code
- Completion status code
From the Learning Plan table:
- Off-the-Job hours
- Expected Off-the-Job hours
- Last coursework submission
- Last submission title
- Learning plan progress
- Expected learning plan progress
From the Markers table:
- Markers
From the Personal Details table:
- Full Name
From the Programme table:
- Current programme
From the Subscription Details table:
- Last login date
From the Assignment table:
- Assignment overdue
From the Review Meeting table:
- Review meeting overdue
Can you give us the template fields for the QAR review form
The review is set up as signatures: Advisor / Visible to: Advisor
Sections included:
- Learning progress
- Functional skills
- Individual support needs / requirements
- Short and long-term goals
- Core topics
- Custom field: RAG Actions using the following custom fields:
- Has the learner been RAG rated GREEN [Boolean with case block]
- If Yes - No further action required [added to 'Title' in Title & Description]
- If No - Marker needs to be raised [added to 'Title' in Title and Description] Go to the learner's profile and raise a "QAR Marker" [added to 'Description' in Title and Description]