

You can view your profile - your personal details, your programme details, and learning support information. 

On the Account Settings screen, you can view your saved personal details and your e-signature. You can also change your password and set your preferences for receiving notifications from the system.



Log in as normal to view the Dashboard view. You can then navigate to your learner profile from your photo or initials icon on the top right of your screen. Click on the photo/initials, and click Settings.


The Account Settings screen opens showing the Notification's section. You can view the following information:

  • Notifications
  • About You
  • Signature Sample
  • Security Settings



Click the appropriate radio button in the Email Notifications box to select the email notifications you wish to receive. It may be advisable to select All emails at the start of using the system and review/ change your choice later, based on your experience of using it.


About You

Click About You to access your profile and your current contact information.


If you need to have any information modified, when you click on one of the pencil icons, you can:


Signature Sample

Click Signature Sample to set or modify your electronic signature which you can use to approve official statements or agreements.


You should first of all read the terms and conditions and privacy policy - just click on the links to see the two documents in separate tabs in your browser. When completed, close the two additional tabs, and return to the electronic signature declaration agreement.

If you have not yet created an e-signature, the Signature box will be empty. You can select the pen nib or Draw item to create a signature, unique to you, using your mouse (or a finger if you have a touch screen).

If you have created an e-signature but wish to change it, click on the Clear word to remove the existing signature, and create a new one.

If you prefer the system to use something easier to read, you can select Choose and then choose from one of the options provided.



Security Settings

To set or change your password, click on Security Settings to view the dialog:


Enter your current password in the first box and your new password in the second box. If your new password does not conform to the required complexity, the advice is shown in red. When you have ensured that your new password conforms to the standards, confirm your new password in the third box. 

Click Save to have your chosen signature saved in the Aptem system.

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