- FAQ: Why are some Assignment (Task) Learning Plan components showing under an incorrect month?
- FAQ - A Learner's expected progress percentage for their qualification/ standard criteria is showing as less than their actual progress. Why is this?
- FAQ - Why do components in the learning plan have 'Complete By' dates beyond the programme end date?
- FAQ - Why is there a discrepancy in the component criteria mapping between the programme build and a learner's learning plan for certain learners?
- FAQ - A learners progress is not being pulled through to the Progress card on the Dashboard even though work is mapped to criteria and has been marked. Why is this?
- FAQ: Is there a way to change the component type once the component has been created?
- FAQ: Why are the Learning Plan filters persisting even after logging out of Aptem?
- FAQ: Why when a learner has completed a digital asset component is one of questions in the course report blank?
- FAQ: Why is a learner unable to access their learning plan?
- FAQ: I have enrolled a withdrawn Learner back on to their original programme, but the previous Learning Plan data is missing, why is this?
- Why can’t I see my learner's English and maths diagnostic assessment results in the Learning support section of the learner profile?
- FAQ: There is no option to log an activity in a learner’s learning plan via the new Console like there is in Classic. Why is this?
- FAQ: How do I remove a secondary Tutor from a learner?
- FAQ: Is there an audit trail for the Learning Plan which shows components that have been deleted?
- FAQ: Can I change the Reviewer's Name for a Review component?
- FAQ: How do I change the Complete By date for task-based components?
- FAQ: On the Evidence Summary Page, the evidence shows as 'Requires Marking', even though the learning is marked as completed with a progress of 100%. Why?
- FAQ: Mapping appears to be working and tracking progress for some learners but not for others on the same programme. Why is this?
- FAQ: Why is an Assignment Task still showing as “Not Started” when evidence has been submitted by the Learner?
- FAQ: When a new component is added to a delivery programme, how are learners already on the programme impacted?
- FAQ: Is it possible to put half figures into the 'Planned hours' and 'Complete by' fields?
- FAQ: How should I track learners who have uploaded case studies linking associated evidence for their End Point Assessments?
- FAQ: Why is the tutor unable to mark a Scheduled Online Event learning component as complete?
- FAQ: For Delivery Programmes, which day of the week should the 'complete by week' option end on?
- FAQ: Why is mapped and accepted evidence not populating the progress for learners, even when the component is set to “require evidence”?
- Overview (Learning Plan)
- Add activities to a learning plan
- Editing an activity
- Submitting evidence
- Marking evidence