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Welcome to the Aptem Help Centre
Aptem Help Centre
Knowledge Base
User Management
Frequently asked questions
FAQ - Does every account transition to 'Expired' once the subscription ends, regardless of its subscription status?
FAQ: When attempting to edit a user profile in Aptem Classic, the page freezes and does not save changes. Why is this happening?
FAQ: Is it possible to import learners and include their SSO/Authentication Type?
FAQ: Why am I unable to see an employer in the Manager dropdown of the employer organisation in the learner profile?
FAQ: How can I get a list of users who are due to expire, and what steps can I take to prevent their expiration?
FAQ - Why can’t we archive the accounts of some learners that have completed their apprenticeship? An error has appeared "This user is included in ILR batch file and can't be archived. If you wish to proceed, please mark the ILR as unfunded."
FAQ: For Reviews and Compliance documents, what is the difference in permissions and functionality between the manager and an employer user with the "Employer – View All in Assigned Group(s)" permission?
FAQ: Why has my account been locked when trying to sign into Aptem and how do I unlock it?
FAQ: Why does the number of active users in the Users Overview tile (Classic) not match the number of active users within the Users tile (Classic)?
FAQ: A Learner has been put onto a delivery programme but has not signed compliance documents. We want to stop access to Aptem but let him continue later in a few months. What should we do?
FAQ: Can access to classic be disabled by default across the tenant?
FAQ: How do I enable the Classic/Console view for Learners?
FAQ: Can a Learner account be changed to an Employer account?
FAQ: Why am I receiving an error message stating that an email already exists in Aptem when I can't locate it in the users tab?
FAQ: Why are new accounts being generated when using the CSV importer to assign Case Owners?
FAQ: I have sent an activation email for a user, but they say they haven't received it. What should I do?
FAQ: Why does a manager’s name appear twice in the Manager drop-down list for a learner?
FAQ: Can you update multiple Assessor Phone numbers via a CSV upload?
FAQ: If you cancel a learner’s subscription, does this remove any evidence and work the learner had completed?
FAQ: Why can't my learner log in to their account?
FAQ: When Importing Learners using a CSV file, I get an 'Ambiguous Case Owner' Error Message.
FAQ: How can I check if a learner has access to the new console view?
FAQ: Why can't a Manager view learners that are linked to them?
FAQ: Is it possible to change the case owners for Learners in bulk?
FAQ: How do I re-send an invitation to a user using Aptem Classic?
FAQ: I am unable to create an additional Aptem account using my email address, why is this?
FAQ: When trying to create users via the API, I am getting an "Invalid Case Owner information" error. Why?
FAQ: How long after a learner has officially completed their qualification do they keep their access to Aptem?
FAQ: How can I update the Mentor and Manager for a learner?