Frequently asked questions
- FAQ: When attempting to edit a user profile in Aptem Classic, the page freezes and does not save changes. Why is this happening?
- FAQ: Is it possible to import learners and include their SSO/Authentication Type?
- FAQ: Why am I unable to see an employer in the Manager dropdown of the employer organisation in the learner profile?
- FAQ: How can I get a list of users who are due to expire, and what steps can I take to prevent their expiration?
- FAQ: For Reviews and Compliance documents, what is the difference in permissions and functionality between the manager and an employer user with the "Employer – View All in Assigned Group(s)" permission?
- FAQ: Why has my account been locked when trying to sign into Aptem and how do I unlock it?
- FAQ: Why does the number of active users in the Users Overview tile (Classic) not match the number of active users within the Users tile (Classic)?
- FAQ: A Learner has been put onto a delivery programme but has not signed compliance documents. We want to stop access to Aptem but let him continue later in a few months. What should we do?
- FAQ: Can access to classic be disabled by default across the tenant?
- FAQ: How do I enable the Classic/Console view for Learners?
- FAQ: Can a Learner account be changed to an Employer account?
- FAQ: Why am I receiving an error message stating that an email already exists in Aptem when I can't locate it in the users tab?
- FAQ: Why are new accounts being generated when using the CSV importer to assign Case Owners?
- FAQ: I have sent an activation email for a user, but they say they haven't received it. What should I do?
- FAQ: Why does a manager’s name appear twice in the Manager drop-down list for a learner?
- FAQ: Can you update multiple Assessor Phone numbers via a CSV upload?
- FAQ: If you cancel a learner’s subscription, does this remove any evidence and work the learner had completed?
- FAQ: Why can't my learner log in to their account?
- FAQ: When Importing Learners using a CSV file, I get an 'Ambiguous Case Owner' Error Message.
- FAQ: How long after a learner has officially completed their qualification do they keep their access to Aptem?
- FAQ: How can I update the Mentor and Manager for a learner?