November 2022

Release 4.43

Updated Privacy Statement

The following changes have been made:

  • Addition of the new privacy statement, refer to:
  • The new privacy statement will now be displayed on the ILR user tab when a user goes through the onboarding wizard with the ILR onboarding step enabled.
  • If a user had an existing privacy statement, it will be archived and will be available on the “Previous” tab on the ILR User tab in Console. Note that no tabs will be displayed in Aptem Classic.


Updates to the New RPL Calculator

An “Update Values” button has been introduced on the Tracker form. When the “Update Values” button is clicked, the data stored against the Learner ID and Programme ID in the following fields will be replaced:

  • Original Planned Off the Job Hours
  • Original Planned Duration
  • Original Planned Duration Unit
  • Original Training Price
  • Original Assessment Price

The data will be drawn from the programme template in Programme builder. This will allow any missing values to be updated - granting access to the New RPL Process Automation Tracker where this was previously blocked. Administrators can also update the values on an open tracker if needed. Note that the button will not function if the Tracker has a 'Rejected' or 'Closed' status.

For more information, see: New RPL tracker.


Updates to the PRaP functionality

With this set of features, administrators will have a more intuitive and guided experience when uploading and updating PRaP records in the Aptem system. For more information, see: PRaP import process.

Furthermore, the addition of new ‘Notes’ and ‘Audit’ functionality will provide additional clarity when selecting from multiple PRaP file versions.

Duplicate NINo and email addresses will be handled appropriately during the import wizard, where the PRaP files will be validated before being applied to the database.

The following features are added as part of this update:

  • Selecting or retaining the PRaP version
  • History tab on PRaP selection
  • Notes tab on PRaP
  • Export .csv of Successful PRaP imports
  • Export .csv of PRaP files with errors that prevent upload
  • “PRaP Import Review Required” ‘Requires Attention’ card and drilldown
  • Creation of an OData Flag where PRaP Import Review is required


A new permission: Ability to set PRaP version

A new permission “Ability to set PRaP version” has been added to the system. Where this permission has been applied, administrators will have the ability to view the 'PRaP Details Version History' on the PRaP Details tab in Console. The new permission will not be applied to existing admin accounts. New Administrators created after the deployment of this feature will require the role to be able to view the 'PRaP Details Version History' screen. 


PRaP versions

After PRaP import, the system creates a new version in cases where a PRaP 'version' already exists.

For more information, see: PRaP versions.


Update to the 'PRaP Details' tab on the Participant Profile

An option to “View PRaP version History” has been added to the PRaP Details tab on the Participant Profile. This option is only displayed to administrators with the following permissions:

  • Supervisor
  • Compliance QA
  • Ability to set PRaP version (new role)

Once you select this option, you can view the new 'PRaP Version History' screen.

For more information, see: Participant Profile.


Setting the PRaP version

Administrators/Tutors have the ability to view the PRaP data for the current version on the 'details' tab, and they can view the different PRaP versions and can select the PRaP version to apply. The "PRaP Version History" can be viewed from the Participant Profile. The different versions are displayed on the left panel.


New card on the Requires Attention section

A “PRaP Import Review Required” card has been added to the ‘Requires Attention’ section on the Performance and Participant dashboards. This card is only displayed to administrators with the following permissions:

  • Supervisor
  • Compliance QA
  • Ability to set PRaP version (new role)


PRaP Import Review Required drilldown

Continuing with the improvements to the dashboards, we have now introduced the PRaP Import Review Required drilldown. When you click PRaP Import Review Required on the Requires Attention card on the Performance Dashboard, you will see a grid showing all the relevant participant records that you have permission to view, as defined by permissions and groups. When you click on a row in the grid, you will see the PRaP Details Version History screen on the Participant Profile.

For more information, see: PRaP Import Review Required drilldown.


'Notes' tab

Using the Notes tab, administrators/tutors can record notes against each PRaP 'version’, They can also edit or delete the existing notes.


View 'History'

The History tab shows the 'Audit History' with the following details:

  • Date and Time of change
  • 'Version applied by' – Name of the administrator


Export .csv of successful PRaP imports

Administrators can export successful PRaP import records in .csv format, so that this can be used for comparison outside of Aptem.


OData Flag on Users OData for particular learner

A new OData flag “PRaP Review Required Count” has been added to the existing data entity for PRaP where there is a new version that needs to be selected. Note that only the currently selected 'version' will be reflected in the OData reporting.


Minor updates / Bug fixes

  • The 'Enable End-Point Assessment' checkbox in the tenant settings has been renamed to 'Enable End-Point Assessment (EPAPro)'.
  • A new tenant setting 'Enable Learners Registration Email' has been added. This setting is displayed only when EPAPro is enabled on the tenant, and will be enabled by default. This means there is no change for existing customers. Where enabled, learners in Aptem who are registered with EPAPro will receive the email from EPAPro. In cases where this is set to false, no EPAPro email will be sent to learners when they are registered through Aptem.
  • The Break in learning tracker was updating the programme status, but was not updating the ILR. This issue has now been resolved.
  • On the Review PDF, the company logo was enlarged and was covering the background text - impacting readability for learners and tutors. This issue has now been resolved.
  • On the UGR tile, the height of the “Adding fields” was too small, this has now been fixed.
  • FS exemption evidence was showing evidence from a different learner. This has now been resolved.
  • After an administrator completed the onboarding for the learner, the training plan document was not being displayed at the end of the onboarding and was instead being displayed in the Documents section. This issue has now been resolved.
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