FAQ: How do the calculations work in the Recognition of Prior Learning for the Maximum eligibility score?

It's the highest allowed percentage before the learner would have too much prior skills and experience.

An example would be a skills scan with 40 questions using a a 1-5 scale. If they scored 80%, that would imply an average score of 4 out of 5. Of course they could have 20 3's and 20 5's. The key thing is this is an average. It is also worth noting that the minimum score will be 20% as the lowest possible score is 1 out of 5.
So the discount range(s) could be:

  • 0% to 40% with no reductions
  • 41% to 50% with a small reduction
  • 51% to 60% with a medium reduction
  • 61% to 70% with a large reduction

Maximum Eligibility Score 71% as anything above this would be too large a reduction and would knock the programme below the minimum OtJ and/or duration.

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