Tenant Administrators can view any errors that occur via the integration with EPAPro. These errors may be those that occur during the registering of a learner, or during the updating of learners.
This feature is available only in Aptem Console.
View EPAPro integration errors
On the Settings>Integrations>End-Point Assessment screen, the default tab is Connections.
Navigate to the Error logs tab to view the errors. The Error logs panel is displayed.
Error logs are displayed in a grid with the following columns:
- Date and Time (Format: dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss)
- Affected learner (The learner the error relates to. If error does not relate to any learner, this field is left empty.)
- Connection Name
- Error Message
The error logs are ordered by the Date and Time column (descending). You can see a maximum of 10 items per screen. To view older review items, use the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen.
If you click a learner name under the Affected learner column, the Learner profile>EPA tab is displayed.
To keep the list of errors relevant, a nightly job removes old errors - all errors that are more than three months old are removed from the grid.
Filter errors
By Connection
You can filter the list of errors by Connections.
Choose the connection you wish to see the errors for.
The grid will be updated to show error logs linked to the selected connection.
By Date
You can also filter the list using a date range specifying the date of the error occurrence.
Specify a date range and click Apply Filter.
The grid will be updated to show error logs in the selected period.