April 2022

Release 4.36


Updates to the learning plan layout and components behaviour

This month, we continue with the series of usability improvements to the learning plan and associated functionality.

  • You can now pre-mark evidence for inclusion in the portfolio.
  • Administrators with a Supervisor role can view the "Audit history" tab on the learner profile. This audit history shows the changes made to an individual learner's learning plan - like the addition, and deletion of ad-hoc activities. The audit history also records changes made to "Allow mandatory activities" and/or "Sanction status" in the mandation section of the learner details in the learner profile. For each change, the audit history record shows some details such as:
    • Date/time of change
    • Person who made the change
  • The ability to delete evidence is now available to users who have the Delete Evidence role assigned to their account. You no longer need the Supervisor role to delete evidence.
  • We have increased the level of control over what activities/components are updated when using the synchronisation tool. In addition, a summary step has been added to the synchronisation tool. Administrators can see a summary of the changes that they are making before their final confirmation. For more information, see: Learning plan synchronisation.
  • Learners cannot access their learning plan and dashboard before the programme start date. After they finish onboarding, they will see a screen which reads "All done for now". Learners can access their learning plan and dashboard only on/after the programme start date.
  • All historical "Action Plan" tasks that were created when users set a 'goal' within the Skills Radar have been removed. All tasks of the type "Action Plan" where the description is "n/a" have been removed from all tenancies and for all learners, regardless of programme or programme status. Note that tasks with a description containing anything other than "n/a" have not been deleted.
  • A progress bar showing the % uploaded and success/error message has been added to all areas of Aptem console where files are uploaded. Note that the upload process starts as soon as the user selects the file, the user need not click "Next" or "Save" for the upload process to begin.


Updates to Dashboards

Off-the-Job Hours card drilldown

Continuing with the improvements to the dashboards, we are now pleased to introduce the Off-the-Job Hours card drilldown. For more information, see the following articles:


Manage visibility of the RAG Status card

As a Tenant administrator, you can manage the visibility of the RAG Status card on dashboards. You can choose to show/hide the RAG status card on the Employer dashboard, the Performance dashboard, and the Learner Dashboard.

For more information, see: Manage visibility of the RAG Status card.


Updates to the Export Portfolio functionality

  • The Export Portfolio option has been moved from the Quick Actions menu to the Learning plan > Evidence Summary screen.
  • On the Evidence Summary screen, administrators and learners can select / see the evidence that is set for inclusion into a portfolio. Administrators and learners can then use the Export Portfolio button to export the learner portfolio. For more information, see: Export portfolio - Administrator or Export portfolio - Learner.
  • The terminology has also been standardised from 'Portfolio'/'ePortfolio' to 'Portfolio'.


Updates to Process Automations

With regard to the changes in working hours made via a Change in Working Conditions process automation tracker:

  • When these changes in hours do not result in a new Employment Status Record (No change in EII Code), the Start Date and Date Applies fields on the Employment Status Record will NOT be updated. This is due to the Learner still working for the same employer.
  • In cases where learners do not have an Employment Status Record, the Change in Working Conditions process automation tracker will NOT be created.
  • In cases where learners do not have an Employment Status Record, the Change in Employer process automation tracker will NOT be created.

In a future release, we will be adding an Employment Status Record audit history that will reflect the changes in working hours made via the process automation tracker or through the classic interface.


Aptem Classic - Deprecated functionality  / other changes

  • The following tiles have been removed from Aptem classic: Webinars, Directory, Site Monitor, System Report.
  • The Power BI Reports tile in Aptem classic now redirects users to the Power BI reports section in Aptem console. Administrators who do not have access to console will see an error message.
  • The Awarding Body Qualifications tile in Aptem classic now redirects users to the Registration and Certification section in Aptem console. Administrators who do not have access to console will see an error message.


API - Updates / Fixes

  • In some cases, there were issues with employer login API endpoints where it was mandatory to pass values for groups and employer groups while using the update employer endpoint. This issue has now been resolved, and groups and employer groups are now optional to pass while using the update employer endpoint.
  • Results for Essential Digital Skills that were being sent from Skills Forward via API were not being accepted by Aptem. This issue has now been resolved.


Other Updates

  • On the 'Trackers' grid, Administrator/Tutors can now filter results by 'Status'.
  • There were some UI spacing/navigation issues on some screens when accessing Aptem console on mobile. These issues have now been resolved.
  • A 'Programme Status' filter has been added to the filters side-bar on the Performance Dashboard.
  • With regard to the Skills Forward Integration, Essential Digital Skills Assessment has been added to the list of Assessment results accepted by Aptem. Although Aptem does not limit which assessments you want your learners to take, Aptem currently shows results for a limited set of assessments. For more information, see: A How-To-Guide to enabling the Skills Forward API.
  • In case of activities that did not have any evidence attached, the Quality Assure Screen was not being displayed. This has now been resolved. The Quality Assure screen can now be accessed even where no evidence has been provided.
  • The Household Situation section will not appear on the ILR compliance document in cases where Household Situation is not required by the funding model.

  • When stopping a Learner and generating the Annex H document, clients were unable to amend the Programme start and exit dates. Instead, the date was being pulled through from the Enrolled date on the User Profile, which returned the date the Learner's programme was stopped. This issue has now been resolved, and the date is now pulled from programme start date.

  • Signature dates in compliance documents will only be displayed when when the document has been signed.

  • In some cases, while editing a SCORM asset in Aptem Classic, the 'Copy answers from' option was not appearing. This issue has now been resolved.

  • There was an issue where finished reviews not signed by the learner from a previous programme episode were showing up in the Learner's Documents > 'Signatures Required' section in console, and in the Review Signatures grid in Classic. This issue has been resolved, and now only the documents that need signing documents from current episode will be displayed in the "Signatures required" section in console, and in Review Signatures grid in Classic.
  • In some cases, clients were seeing an error when attempting to retrieve the Learner's ULN number
    the Onboarding Wizard > Personal Learning Record step. This issue has now been resolved.
  • Previously, any new notifications were indicated in the Messaging Centre with the blue unread marker. This behaviour has been changed, and the Messaging Centre now only shows new messages, and not new notifications.
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