January 2022 / February 2022
Release 4.34
Contributing to Reviews
Following the release of review contributions. we have now added the following:
- Employers can complete a Skills Radar assessment of a learner.
- When completing the Skills Radar assessment of a learner for the first time, an employer is required to score all competencies.
For more information, see: Skills Radar for Employers.
Console Update for 'Stop Programme' with Process Automation
The series of process automation within the platform continues to grow, allowing you to automate key business processes, whilst reducing the risk for errors.
This month we added 'Stop Programme' to the Console, with baked in process automation (where you have this enabled).
- Administrators with the Edit Programme Details role can 'stop' a learner's programme in console. In cases where process automation has been enabled, you can stop a programme. This action creates a process automation tracker to update relevant areas of the system, including the ILR (where applicable).
- For learners that are currently on an ‘onboarding’ programme, administrators have the option to progress them on to a ‘delivery programme’ or simply to ‘stop’ their existing programme.
- Where process automation is enabled:
- For learners that are currently on a ‘delivery’ programme, administrators have the following options: ‘change programme’ or ‘withdraw from learning’.
- For learners that are currently on a break in learning, administrators have the following options: ‘return to learning’ or ‘withdraw from learning’.
- Please note that where process automation is enabled for this feature, the following processes must be enabled: “Change of Programme” and “Withdrawal from Learning”. To enable process automation, please contact your Customer Success Manager or the Support team.
- Where process automation is not enabled, you can ‘stop’ a programme without the creation of a Process Automation Tracker.
For more information, see: Stop Programme.
QA Process
In January we have a very exciting update for our Quality Assurers! In addition to being able to set up the Plan for QA in Console, you can now carry out the whole of the ‘QA Process’.
Quality Assurers with the Internal Verifier role assigned to their account can complete the IQA process on a Learner’s portfolio and provide feedback the Tutor(s) directly.
Tutors are then be notified of QA feedback and are able to take appropriate action. For referral feedback, this also means that when the Tutor responds to feedback, this is highlighted to the QA so that they can review and ultimately accept the Tutor’s marking decision (see below).
In addition to carrying out the QA process from the learning plan, activity-by-activity you can start the process from within the programme component view and drive the process from either a specific unit or even a specific criteria.
A new Activity status of “QA Completed” allows Quality Assurers to flag a learning plan activity as "QA Completed" to indicate that all the required quality assurance has been completed and no further QA is required.
For more information, see: Carrying out the QA process.
Tutors responding to QA feedback
We have streamlined the process for Tutors being informed that QA referral feedback has been received and we have made improvements so that once the Tutor updates the feedback/marking decisions, this is then automatically pushed back to the Quality Assurer for them to re-check.
- Tutors can view the “QA Feedback Received” card on the “Requires Attention” panel on their performance dashboard and a learner’s dashboard – this card indicates that Quality Assurance feedback has been received and needs to be actioned.
- Tutors can then click the “QA Feedback Received” card to view the list of evidences that have a status of 'QA Feedback Received' and then be taken to this evidence in the learning plan and take appropriate action to update their marking decisions and/or provide updated feedback to the learner.
- The status for the evidence is automatically updated to reflect this has been carried out and then the Quality Assurer is informed via the "QA Feedback Required" card on the “Requires Attention” panel to view evidence that have a status of "QA Feedback Actioned - Accepted" or "QA Feedback Actioned - Referred".
For more information, see: Responding to Quality Assurance Feedback.
Performance Dashboard ‘Quality Assurance’ card
Administrators with the Internal Verifier, Supervisor and ILR QA roles can now view the 'Quality Assurance' card on their performance dashboards, and on their view of the learner’s dashboard. This allows them to see an overview of quality assurance process, and the current status for quality assurance activity.
The Quality Assurance card shows the following details:
- Learners/Evidence with Outstanding QA Feedback
- Average days since QA Feedback issued
- Average Referral Rate
- QA Completed This Month
Employ - Restart specific updates
Updates to the PRaP Import
When a new user is created via the PRaP import, the fields below are stored in the PRaP data table
When an existing user has a PRaP record added, it no longer updates the user fields with this information. Only the PRaP data table is updated.
The fields in question are:
First Name
Last Name
Post Code
National Insurance Number
- These new fields are shown in the PRaP details tab of the learner profile instead of showing the user record fields.
- These PRaP fields are also available in OData.
- The PRaP import summary tracker now contains more details about the PRaP import job.
Other Employ - Restart updates
- The ability to edit/delete a component with the status of "Not Completed" is now limited by role. Administrators with the Edit/delete finished components role can delete components having the following statuses:
Not Completed
QA Completed
- We have updated the triggers for mandation; when the field “Allow mandatory activities?” on the user record is set to “Yes” and "Sanction status" is set to "Pending Decision for Failure to Attend” or “Under Sanction for Failure to Attend" then the field “Is this is a mandatory activity?” is not displayed when adding a component type of review.
- Milestone OData field additions (see API and OData updates)
API and OData updates
- We are adding the ability to set the programme status of a learner via the API.
- The following fields have been added to the episodes entity set in OData: Onboarding started date, Programme type, Updated date.
- A new entity set called ILR Learner is being added to the OData APIs. This includes the ULN and ILR Status as well as the Created Date and Updated Date.
- The Milestones entity set now contains the following additional fields:
Milestone Name
Programme End Date
Claimed Status
Paid Date
ERS Credit
Credit Number
Debit Date
ERS Debit
Debit Number
Maintenance and improvements
During 2021 we developed a number of significant new features for our customers which have received fantastic feedback but took a significant proportion of our time and attention.
Over the course of Q1 2022 we are paying particular focus to support tickets/minor updates and making improvements to these newly introduced features based upon the feedback we have received from customers.
As a result, in the product updates during Q1 2022 you will see a larger number of items than usual in the bugs and minor updates section (see below).
Alongside addressing this customer feedback, we have been working hard behind the scenes on technical aspects that will allow us to deliver some incredibly exciting new features over the course of the year. More information will be shared on these in the coming months.
Minor Updates and Bugs
- We have now added a section for you to define the commitment of subcontractors within the ESFA Commitment Statement.
- Where the learner has indicated in the ILR step that they do not wish to be contacted, then their email address is not included in the batch export.
- The BKSB initial assessment PDF report now displays the result with decimal place precision.
- The Skills Radar in the console was creating empty action plan tasks when an assessment was completed - this has now been fixed.
- SCORM evidence reports were removing the question where large images were included. We've now updated the way this report is generated so that the question content always appears in the PDF. We have also removed the question reference now that this is complete.
- It is now possible to search the learners/jobseekers grid by National Insurance Number (an exact match is required).
- The small employer field was not always displaying in the ILR document despite being recorded in the system. We have corrected this.
- The reset password link in the warning message for console was not correctly formed. This is now resolved.
- In some cases, the prepopulate section of the Commitment Statement in Programmes was not accessible. This has been rectified.
- Miscellaneous components that were not visible to the learner were creating a notification. These have been stopped.