Updates to existing UVAC commitment statements


The following changes have been made to the existing UVAC commitment statements (“Components” and “Summary” versions). Universities and other HE provider customers of Aptem should not in particular how the suggested text changes have been applied to ensure they are able to manage these changes effectively.

  1. The declaration text in Section 1.1 has been expanded to include 2 additional bullet points added in the UVAC published template. These changes have been applied in Aptem to both the main default template and also to any templates that you have attached to your programmes.
  2. The text in Section A describing the “Apprenticeship Individual Learning Plan and Schedule” in Annex A has been fully updated per the latest UVAC template.
  3. The suggested text from the latest UVAC template has been substantially updated with additional and amended items throughout sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 (The apprentice will…, The employer will… and The provider will… respectively). We have only applied the latest suggested text for these sections to the main source template in your tenant, leaving the text as it is now for any templates that you have already applied to your programmes. We have done so because these sections are editable by you and as many of you will have edited the existing text, we cannot insert the latest text without over-writing what you have previously edited. Appendix A at the end of this document contains the updated suggested text that will now appear when selecting the main template to apply to a programme and to enable you either to apply it to existing programme templates or incorporate into their edited versions as you feel is appropriate for you.
  4. The footer of the UVAC template has been updated to reflect the new issue date and alignment to the 2021-22 funding rules.
  5. To add clarity, in both the “Summary” and “Components” versions of the UVAC template we have added totals to sum the hours presented in the summary or from the learning plan activities.
  6. In “Section B2 – English & Maths Plan” – providing you have a qualification activity/component with an English or Maths component aim code attached to the learning plan, the commitment statement will now pick up and use the start and end dates from that aim in the learner’s ILR.


Appendix A

The following are the new suggested text for sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 from the latest UVAC template. This text has been applied to your main source template but will need to be applied by you to your current programme templates if you wish to use/update it.


Section 3.1 By signing this document the Apprentice agrees to:

a) Confirm, by signing this Commitment Statement, that they are paid at least the legal wage for their age and that their contract of employment extends to at least the planned completion date of their end point assessment

b) Confirm that they are not undertaking another apprenticeship or other Department for Education funded programme at the same time as the apprenticeship covered by this Commitment Statement and have not been asked to contribute to the cost of their training and assessment for their apprenticeship (including through a student loan)

c) Confirm, by signing this agreement, that their employer has confirmed to them that all training and end point assessment set out in the learning plan at Annex A and as required to complete this apprenticeship, including time required to complete English and Maths learning where needed, will be undertaken during their paid working hours

d) Work with their employer and academic mentor to ensure that the individual learning plan set out in Annex A is achieved within working time paid hours as set out in the Apprenticeship Funding Rules. This includes, where needed, working with their employer and the university to update the Individual Learning Plan in Annex A and identify additional learning activities needed to support their learning objectives or achieve the 20% learning minimum hours.

e) This also means that the apprentice must immediately inform their employer and the University if they are absent for any element of their planned off the job learning (see section 2 above for the process), and ensure that this learning is rescheduled.

f) Maintain an up to date and accurate record of off the job learning hours, submitted to the university when requested and shared as part of the Tri-partite reviews as set out in section 2. above

g) Manage their own learning and, with support from their employer and academic mentor, work to meet the targets and timelines needed to complete the apprenticeship training by the planned end date,

h) Undertake the end point assessment, and should this be needed, participate in any further training prior to resitting the end-point assessment

i) Contribute to reviews with the employer and academic mentor to track progress and success in meeting apprenticeship milestones, and agree any changes needed to the learning plan to address performance or support enhanced learning opportunities

j) Inform the University and their employer if personal circumstances change that will affect completion of the apprenticeship, accuracy of personal details held by the university or that will change the planned end date of the apprenticeship

k) Proactively identify any issues or barriers to successful completion of this apprenticeship and raise these quickly with their employer and academic mentor, working with both to implement any action needed

l) Raise any queries or complaints regarding the apprenticeship through the university process, and to the ESFA where needed as set out in section 2.

m) Agree with the employer and University when learning is complete, and they are ready to undertake the End-point Assessment

n) Participate in course feedback and apprenticeship evaluation to support the continuous improvement of the programme for current and future apprentices.

o) Take opportunities that arise to support other current and future apprentices to benefit from their apprenticeship


Section 3.1 By signing this document the Employer agrees to:

a) Confirm, by signing this Commitment Statement, that their apprentice is paid at least the legal wage for their age and that their contract of employment extends to at least the apprentice’s planned end point assessment completion date

b) Confirm that their apprentice is not undertaking another apprenticeship or other Department for Education funded programme at the same time as the apprenticeship covered by this Commitment Statement, and that their apprentice has not been asked to contribute to the cost of their training and assessment for their apprenticeship (including through a student loan).

c) Confirm, by signing this agreement, that all training and end point assessment set out in the learning plan at Annex A and as required to complete this apprenticeship, including time required to complete English and Maths learning where needed, will be undertaken during the apprentice’s paid working hours and that this has been communicated and confirmed to their apprentice

d) Provide a working environment that meets current health and safety and employment wages legislation to enable their apprentice to work and learn safely for the duration of the apprenticeship

e) Work with their apprentice and the university to deliver the individual learning plan set out in Annex A, providing the apprentice with access to the on-the-job knowledge, skills and experience, resources and opportunities needed to achieve this apprenticeship. This includes, where needed, working with the apprentice and the university to update the Individual Learning Plan in Annex A and identify additional learning activities needed to support the apprentice’s learning objectives or to achieve the 20% learning minimum.

f) Support the university to comply with funding rules and collate evidence to confirm ongoing apprentice and apprenticeship eligibility for funding

g) Ensure that the apprentice has time to complete the off the job learning elements which are required for their apprenticeship within the apprentice’s paid working hours. This is a requirement for this apprenticeship to remain eligible for funding

h) This also means that the employer must check that the University is aware when their apprentice is absent for any element of their planned off the job learning (see 1.4 above for the process) and ensure that the apprentice is able to take the time within their paid hours after their return to complete the rescheduled off the job learning.

i) Support the apprentice to manage their own learning, and provide appropriate support and supervision in their typical working day to meet the requirements of this apprenticeship

j) Enable the line manager and/or academic mentor to support and guide this apprentice to carry out their day-to-day role and to meet the targets and timelines needed to complete the apprenticeship by the planned end date

k) Attend and contribute to reviews with the apprentice and university, providing evidence and feedback on progress at work and success in meeting apprenticeship milestones, evidence of their off the job learning, and agree any changes needed to the learning plan supporting the apprentice to address performance or access enhanced learning opportunities

l) Ensure that the apprentice attends and participates in the learning planned for this apprenticeship, to meet the off the job learning requirements for this apprenticeship programme set out in Annex A and Section 1.3 are achieved within working time paid hours as set out in the Apprenticeship Funding Rules

m) Ensure that the apprentice maintains an up to date and accurate record of their off the job learning hours, submitted to the university when requested and shared as part of the Tri-partite reviews as set out in section 2. above . This evidence is a requirement for this apprenticeship to remain eligible for funding

n) Inform the University promptly if there are organisational or apprentice circumstance changes that will affect completion of the apprenticeship or change the planned end date

o) Make timely and accurate entries in the employer apprenticeship service account, or for non-levy employers, make timely contribution payments to ensure that provider payments are triggered

p) Proactively identify any issues or barriers to successful completion of this apprenticeship and raise these quickly with the university and apprentice, working to implement any action needed

q) Seek to resolve any queries or complaints regarding the apprenticeship through the university process, and to the ESFA where needed as set out in section 1.

r) Agree with the apprentice and University when learning is complete, and the apprentice is ready to undertake the End-point Assessment

s) Ensure that the apprentice undertakes the end point assessment, and should this be needed, participates in any further training prior to resitting the end-point assessment,

t) Participate in course feedback, impact assessment and evaluation to support the continuous improvement of the programme for apprentices and employers

u) Take opportunities to promote and publicise the successful completion of this apprenticeship and the benefits of the apprenticeship programme


Section 3.1 By signing this document the Provider agrees to:

a) Confirm that all elements included in the apprenticeship training and assessment price and set out in the learning plan for this apprentice in annex A are eligible for funding as set out in the apprenticeship Funding Rules.

b) Provide a learning environment that meets current health and safety legislation to enable the apprentice to learn safely for the duration of the apprenticeship

c) Work with the apprentice and employer to comply with the apprenticeship funding rules, providing an evidence pack that confirms eligibility for funding

d) Provide an induction programme, that explains the Individual Learning Plan set out at Annex A and key university and apprenticeship policies and offer support and guidance throughout the apprenticeship programme.

e) Work with the employer and their apprentice to maintain a current and accurate Commitment Statement and Individual Learning Plan based on the needs of the apprentice.

f) Work with the apprentice and their employer to deliver the individual learning plan set out in Annex A, providing the apprentice with access to the off the job knowledge, skills and experience, resources and opportunities needed to achieve this apprenticeship. This includes, where needed, working with the apprentice and the university to update the Individual Learning Plan in Annex A and identify additional learning activities needed to support the apprentice’s learning objectives or achieve the 20% minimum.

g) Support the apprentice to manage their own learning, by ensuring sufficient resources, support, access to materials in their typical working day to meet the off the job requirements of this apprenticeship, including undertaking the end point assessment. This also means that when the apprentice is absent during a planned off the job learning element (see 1.4 above for the process), the University must work with the employer and apprentice to reschedule this learning and ensure that the apprentice can complete the of the job learning set out in Annex A

h) Enable the line manager and/or workplace mentor to support and guide this apprentice, to carry out their day-to-day role and to meet the targets and timelines needed to complete the apprenticeship by the planned end date by providing a summary of off the job and on-the-job learning needed, contained at Annex A

i) Manage and oversee the delivery led by the subcontractors identified in section 1

j) Lead reviews with the apprentice and employer, providing evidence and feedback on progress to track success in meeting apprenticeship milestones, and agree any changes needed to the learning plan to support the apprentice to address performance or access enhanced learning opportunities

k) Track attendance and participation to meet the off the job learning requirements for this apprenticeship programme and inform the employer where the apprentice is absent from planned sessions

l) Provide the apprentice with the means to maintain an up to date and accurate record of their off the job learning hours and ensure that this is reviewed at every Tri-partite review.

m) As soon as the progress reviews and supporting evidence indicates that the training period may be completed ahead of schedule, or require additional time, the university will propose revisions to the learning plan and if agreed, update the Commitment Statement and reissue to all signatories.

n) Where this results in completion in less than the initial agreed off the job learning hours ( or more ), the University will produce a statement summarising the volume changes, for agreement by employer and apprentice that this learning has been sufficient

o) Use apprentice and employer data only for the purposes and in accordance with the University and ESFA Privacy Statements

p) Inform the employer if there are changes that will affect completion of the apprenticeship or change the planned end date

q) Make timely and accurate entries into the ILR to ensure that employer apprenticeship service accounts are accurate payments are triggered promptly

r) Proactively identify any issues or barriers to successful completion of this apprenticeship arising from university, employer or apprentice and raise these quickly with the employer or apprentice, working to implement any action needed

s) Seek to resolve any queries or complaints regarding the apprenticeship through the university process, supporting the apprentice or employer to escalate to the ESFA where needed as set out in section 1.

t) Agree with the apprentice and University when learning is complete, and the apprentice is ready to undertake the End-point Assessment

u) Provide certification required as part of the apprenticeship

v) Where needed, provide a ‘Record of Achievement’ for part completion of an apprenticeship

w) Enable employer and apprentice participation in course feedback, impact assessment and evaluation to support the continuous improvement of the programme for apprentices and employers and take action on this feedback

x) Take opportunities to promote and publicise impact and success for employer, apprentice and the wider apprenticeship programme



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