Within Aptem, certain markers are enabled automatically based on conditional logic.
The Safeguarding marker, Incident marker and Cold Referral marker may be automatically switched on as part of the PRaP import process where certain conditions are met.
Additionally, you can configure a marker to be automatically switched when a review is marked as not completed.
Safeguarding marker
This will be automatically switched on as part of the PRaP import where the following conditions are met:
"Safeguard measures" field in PRaP user table is set, but is not null or zero.
Tenant contains a marker called "Safeguarding".
"Safeguarding" marker on Learner record is FALSE.
Incident marker
This will be automatically switched on as part of the PRaP import where the following conditions are met:
"Incident code" field in PRaP user table is set, but is not null or zero.
Tenant contains a marker called "Incident".
"Incident" marker on Learner record is FALSE.
Cold Referral marker
This will be automatically switched on as part of the PRaP import where the following conditions are met:
- A Learner record is created via the PRaP import function.
- A marker with the name "Cold Referral" exists in the tenant.
The "Cold Referral" marker for the participant record is automatically updated where the PRaP import function creates a participant record. It is not updated if the PRaP import updates an existing learner record.