Edit your epaPRO integration settings


As an administrator with the Manage Tenant Settings role, you can edit your epaPRO integration settings. epaPRO is an End-point Assessment management tool developed to support End-point Assessment Organisations (EPAO). You can edit or delete an existing connection.

Please note that this is a console-only feature.



Click Settings on the left navigation bar. You can see this option when you have the Manage Tenant Settings role assigned.

  • Use the navigation bar at the top and select Integrations.
  • From the menu on the left, select End Point Assessment.

The End Point Assessment screen will be displayed. Here, you can view the connection details of your existing connections. 

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The grid displays the EPA software provider, the connection name, the EPA ID, the API end point, the client ID and client secret. You can edit or delete connections using the respective columns. 

You need to create one connection per end point assessment organisation. So, if you are using multiple end point assessment organisations, you will need to create multiple connections.

If you have multiple connections, they will be displayed in the order in which they were created.


Edit a connection

To edit a connection, click the pencil.pngicon under the Edit column.

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The Edit Connection screen is displayed.


 The screen displays the following fields:

  1. EPA software provider: In the current case, epaPRO is selected.
  2. Connection name: Your name for this connection.
  3. Username and Password: Lists the epaPRO username and password.
  4. End-Point Assessment ID. The ID must be unique - you cannot create more than one connection using the same ID.
  5. API endpoint - this is the URL that you typically use to access your instance of epaPRO, for example: {trainingprovider}.epapro.co.uk. The API endpoint must be unique - you cannot create more than one connection using the same API endpoint.
  6. Client ID and Client Secret: The Client ID and Client Secret are case-sensitive alphanumeric strings, and can be obtained by contacting EPAPro through your EPAO.
  7. Standards and Specialisms: Edit the Standards and Specialisms as required. For details, see: Editing EPAPro Standards and Specialisms.

Make the edits, and click Save.


Editing epaPro Standards and Specialisms

On the Edit Connection screen, you can add new standards and specialisms and delete existing ones.


Add a Standard

As a tenant administrator, you can define the standards mappings between an epaPRO instance and Aptem, so that you can register the learner correctly with the epaPRO instance.

When editing a connection, click + Add Standard to add a standard. 



In the Standard code field, enter the IFA code of the standard you wish to add. This field accepts numeric values only.

In the EPAPro standard code field, enter the epaPRO equivalent for the standard code. This field accepts alphanumeric values.

Click Add.


 After you have added the Standard, it will be displayed in the Standards section as shown below.


You can have multiple standards added to your EPAPro connection. To add another standard, repeat the procedure. After making your edits, click Save


Delete a Standard

Standards already entered can be deleted. Click the delete icon to delete a standard.


Confirm to delete.


The Standard will be deleted. After making your edits, click Save


Add Specialism

As a tenant administrator, you can define the specialisms mappings between an EPAPro instance and Aptem, so that you can register the learner correctly with the EPAPro instance.

Where the learner is on an apprenticeship programme where there is a specialism involved, you can add the specialism. When editing a connection, click + Add Specialism to add a mapping. 


To add a specialism, you must specify the Programme and Specialism ID fields.


Select the Programme from the dropdown list of delivery programme/sub-programmes. Programmes you have already selected for specialisms for will not appear in the dropdown list.


Enter the Specialism ID. The Specialism Id field allows any alphanumeric value to be entered.

Click Add.


After you have added the Specialism, it will be displayed in the Specialisms section as shown below.


To add another specialism, repeat the procedure. It is possible to add one or more specialism mappings when adding a connection. After making your edits, click Save


Delete Specialism

Specialisms already entered can be deleted. Click the delete icon to delete a specialism.


Confirm to delete.


The Specialism will be deleted. After making your edits, click Save.


Delete a connection

To delete a connection, click the icon under the Delete column.


You will need to confirm this action. 

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On Cancel, the modal is closed and no action is taken. The connection will remain.
On Delete, the modal is closed and the connection is removed from the grid.


For learners, already registered via deleted connection, the EPA details will still be showing in the Learner Profile > End-Point Assessment tab. But no further updates will take place for these.
NO new learner registrations for that connection will take place.

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