Automatic updating of learner details with epaPRO


This article details the conditions in which updates to the learner details in Aptem will automatically update the learner's epaPRO records.

This article also provides notes on situations where the learner's programme has been changed, and the EPAO for the new programme is the same as, or different from the EPAO for the old programme. For details, see: Notes.


Update learner details when changed

Changes in learner details will be updated in epaPRO when changed in Aptem. This will ensure that you do not have to rekey information and avoid inconsistent data. The learner's ILR details will be updated in the following conditions:

  • When updated via the user interface
  • When updated via the API endpoint
  • When updated as a result of approving an automated process, i.e., a process automation


Personal details

When the ILR record fields Gender, Ethnicity, ULN are changed on the learner's ILR record, the corresponding details will be updated in epaPRO in the following conditions:

    • When updated via the user interface

    • When updated via the API endpoint


Change of tutor

A change of the learner's case owner or change to the details of a case owner will be reflected in epaPRO, in the following conditions:

    • When case owner details are updated via the user interface

    • When case owner details updated via the API endpoint

    • When case owner is changed via the user interface

    • When case owner is changed via the API endpoint

The change will be reflected for all learners linked to that tutor.


Change of manager

A change of the learner's manager or change to the details of a manager will be reflected in epaPRO, in the following conditions:

    • When manager details are updated via the user interface

    • When manager details updated via the API endpoint

    • When related manager is changed via the user interface

    • When related manager is changed via the API endpoint

    • When related manager is changed as a result of approving an automated process, such as:

      • Change of employer

      • Change of working conditions

The change will be reflected for all learners linked to that manager.


Change of employer

A change of the learner's employer or change to the details of an employer will be reflected in in epaPRO, in the following conditions:

    • When the employer or employer address record is updated via the user interface

    • When the employer or employer address record is updated via the API endpoint

    • When the employer or employer address record linked to the learner is changed

    • When employer record or employer address linked to the learner is changed as a result of approving an automated process, such as:

      • Change of employer

      • Change of working conditions

The change will be reflected for all learners linked to that employer.


Change in programme dates

Any change in programme dates will be updated in epaPRO, in the following conditions:

  • When "Start date" and/or "End date" are updated via the Edit Programme Details user interface

  • This will not be updated if the EPA Period on the programme is changed



Record change of circumstance

A change of circumstance is recorded in EPAPro when the following process automation trackers are processed in Aptem:

  • Break in learning
  • Return to learning
  • Withdrawal from learning
  • Change of programme

The epaPRO record will not show the change in circumstance in cases where the break in learning, return to learning, withdrawal from learning, or change of programme are applied manually in Aptem. 



  1. If your learner is moved from a programme that has an epaPRO connection to a different programme that does not have a connection with epaPRO, but with a different EPAO, then the system would switch the learner to a manual registration. 
  2. If you have a learner who has been manually registered, and you change their programme and put them onto a programme that has an epaPRO connection, it will allow you to then register them with that new programme.
  3. If you move a learner from one epaPRO connection to another i.e., the learner needs to move from a programme which has an epaPRO connection to another programme which has a different epaPRO connection; or if you change the EPAO ID, then the system checks to see if the connection exists. If it is a different epaPRO connection, it will cancel the existing connection and mark the learner as withdrawn, and put the learner on the other connection with the other organisation.
  4. If you change a learner's programme, but it is still with the same EPAO with a connection in place, then the epaPRO record will show that the old programme has been stopped, and the new programme has been started. The same applies for a change in specialism.
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