Aptem can automatically generate the ILR batch file that a training provider is required to submit to the ESFA (Education & Skills Funding Agency) on a monthly basis to claim funding for the delivery of training. This file contains individual learning records in an XML (Extensible Markup Language) format that can be submitted to the ESFA using IDAMS (Information Management Services System).
Exporting the file from Aptem will download an XML formatted file to your computer. You can view this as a text file or by XML reader software.
Generate an ILR batch file
To generate an ILR batch file for upload to the ESFA:
- Sign in to your administrator account with your name and password.
- From your Aptem account page, click on the ‘ILR’ tile. Please note that this may appear in a different location of your tile menu than that illustrated.
- If you are a Compliance Manager or MIS Officer / Compliance Administrator, you can click the Get ILR batch command to show the following filters to select a subset of learners to export rather than the entire collection.
- Complete the selection fields you need to define the content of your batch file.
Started before Click the calendar dropdown and select the date before which the learners started their apprenticeship. Started after Click the calendar dropdown and select the date after which the learners started their apprenticeship. Group
Select Group(s) of learners for the ILR batch from the Group dropdown list.
Note: Dropdown lists often allow more than one selection, for example, it is possible to select more than one simply by a click on the choices.Schema
Select the Schema (apprenticeship year period: 2021-2022 or 2021-2022 in this example).
This is a mandatory field.Include not QA verified Check the checkbox if you wish all learners to be included, whether or not you are using Verify QA.
Verify QA is the Aptem quality assurance compliance feature. If you are using Verify QA and you wish to exclude learners who have not been QA Verified, do NOT check the box (the default is unchecked).
UKPRN Enter the UK (Training) Provider Reference Number to select only learners being trained by the specific training provider by this PRN.
This is a mandatory field.Programme type Select the Programme Type for the ILR batch from the dropdown list.
Note: Dropdown lists often allow more than one selection, for example, it is possible to select more than one simply by a click on the choices.Programme status Select the Programme Status for the ILR batch from the dropdown list.
Note: Dropdown lists often allow more than one selection, for example, it is possible to select more than one simply by a click on the choices.Funding model Select the Funding Model for the ILR batch from the dropdown list.
Note: Dropdown lists often allow more than one selection, for example, it is possible to select more than one simply by a click on the choices.Click Export to generate an ILR batch; select cancel to close the dialog and return later with agreed selections. - Click the Export button to generate and download an XML file to your computer.
The next ILR batch shows that 19 learners have been included in this generated XML batch file.
If you have not made provision for downloading XML files, an error message is shown: - If you have this issue, use one of the following methods:
a) Check with your IT Technical support which XML reader to install, install it and download the file to your Downloads folder and run a scan to check for malware, using for example, Microsoft Defender.
b) Click on the ellipses ('...') to view the other possible actions, but if any doubt, simply contact your Technical Support section and it will provide you with the appropriate local answer.
Once downloaded, you can put this file into FIS (see Install and run the Funding Information Service (FIS) – ESFA help centre (education.gov.uk)) to check for any errors.
https://submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/publicdownloads/Desktop -
The Funding information service (FIS) is an offline tool to validate your Individualised learner record (ILR) data. It will generate a list of errors and warnings in a Rule Violation Report. You can then correct the errors in Aptem and then export the data again.
This is not a compulsory tool, but it is extremely useful and Aptem recommends that you use it.Through Submit Learner Data, (a UK Government site so the address may change) you can check files without actually submitting data to ESFA, replicating what FIS enables you to do. Run the tool again to ensure all errors have been corrected.
- You can then upload this file to IDAMS (Information Management Services System).