FAQ: The Planned Hours specified for my Learners are lower than expected, how are these calculated?

When enrolling a learner, the Minimum planned hours are calculated using the standard ESFA calculation which takes into account the length of the programme, and the learner's normal working hours. The "planned hours" are taken from the sum of the learning plan components. These values can be amended on first enrolment but if the planned hours are less than minimum hours, you will be warned of the difference. Conversely, if you change the planned hours to match the minimum hours then you will be warned to update your learning plan to ensure you have planned to deliver the amount stated.

The current (20/21) funding guidance states: 
Since 1 August 2019, planned off-the-job training hours must also be documented on the individualised learner record. You must not change this figure once submitted (except for a data input error at the beginning of the programme). 
However, this paragraph is not present in the 21/22 rules released to date.

Generally speaking you should not change the hours once submitted, but if you believe that the Planned Hours are incorrect, you can amend it by editing the ILR. Any changes to the Planned hours should be supported by re-generating the compliance documents. It may be wise for your organisation to document the reason for this change, you may need this information in case of a future audit.

Please also note, while you are able to make this change within Aptem, we would strongly suggest speaking with the ESFA in the first instance, to confirm if amending the planned hours will cause any problems.

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