October 2021

Release 4.31


Edit a learner's personal details from the console

Tutors and Administrators can now edit a learner's personal details and update learner information using the Console User Interface. This is managed through a new role - Edit Learner Details. This role will not be automatically applied to admins. Therefore, no admins will see a change in behaviour until this role has been applied to their account. From the learner profile, a tutor/administrator with this role will be able to edit account details, personal details, change case owner and manage a learner's groups.

For further information, see: Edit learner details.


Apply programme/edit programme details from the console

Tutors and Administrators can now apply a programme to a learner and edit the programme details for a learner using the Console User Interface. This is managed through the existing role Edit Programme Details. Therefore, admins will see a change in behaviour if this role has been applied to their account.

For further information, see: Enrol learner on to a programme and Edit programme details.

In the following release it will be possible to stop a learner's programme and edit the sub-programme owner.


Employer Dashboard

In this release, we are excited to announce the all-new employer dashboard — a powerful tool in providing insights for employers on the progress of their learners.

The employer dashboard provides the ability for an employer to easily view the progress of their direct reports who are in learning or, at a more senior level, learners that they have access to view.

In addition to showing learner progress, the dashboard highlights actions that are required by the employer. For example, where they need to sign compliance documents or contribute towards progress reviews.

For more senior employer contacts and larger employers, the dashboard acts as an insight into the performance of learner progress across the organisation, allowing the ability to drilldown to by brand, region, branch, sector, programme, or team.

The performance dashboard will continue to be developed over the coming months to offer more detailed information and data drilldowns.

For further information, see: Employer Dashboard.


End-Point Assessment

We are excited to announce that in this month's release we are increasing the functionality of the platform to help you more easily manage the End-Point Assessment process for apprenticeship learners. This functionality includes both an integration with EPAPro and the ability to manually registering learners where EPAPro is not used by the EPAO.


EPAPro integration

The integration with EPAPro will provide a seamless exchange of learning and EPAO information. EPAPro is an End-point Assessment management tool developed to support End-point Assessment Organisations (EPAO).

Aptem will register the learner with EPAPro and ensure that the learner information is kept up-to-date including all change of circumstances.

In a future phase of development EPAO specific information from EPAPro will be returned to Aptem and presented within the learner record to avoid the need to login to multiple systems.

For further information, see: EPAPro Integration


Recording an EPAO registration manually

Where an End-Point Assessment organisation (EPAO) is not using EPAPro we will provide the ability for you to record the learner's EPAO registration number and the registration date.

For further information, see: Record an EPAO registration manually


Recording assessment results for qualifications

Following feedback from our customers, we are developing a new feature that will allow for improved management and tracking of exam bookings and assessment results.

This functionality will support the following:

  • Ability to record when an assessment/exam is due to take place.
  • Record when an assessment is cancelled, rescheduled or missed.
  • Record the outcome - passed or failed.
  • Capture the grade, where appropriate.
  • Provide the ability to create and update assessment results in bulk using a CSV import (to follow in future release)

For further information, see: Assessments tracking for Administrators and Assessments - Learner Profile view.


Further process automation

Process automation helps you reduce the amount of administrative effort in managing learners and helps you ensure compliance. This release will include automating the administration associated with a change of learner's employer.


Change of employer

The "change of employer" automation process will automate the tasks associated with changing the employer of a learner. The process will help to eliminate the possibility of errors in re-keying and will reduce the associated administrative effort in updating the relevant areas of the system.

The automation will involve an approval process which can include one or two stages of review depending upon your standard business process. This ensures that you have complete control over changes made to your learners' data.

For further information, see: Change of employer.


Change of contact details

The "change of contact detail" process automation automates the tasks associated with the change of a learner's contact detail to eliminate the possibility of errors in re-keying and reduces the associated administrative effort in updating the relevant areas of the system.

The automation also includes an approval process that involves an administrator reviewing the learner request. This ensures that you have complete control over changes made to your learners' data.

For further information, see: Change of contact details.


Compliance document updates

Following feedback relating to the new funding year we have made some minor updates and improvements to the following compliance documents:

  • UVAC Commitment Statement: We have fixed the UVAC 2020 commitment statement behaviour to populate job role and subscript 6 correctly. Also, the additional "Learning Support Needs" section will now populate from the “Description” and “Actions to Support” sections of the learner’s most recent “individual Support Needs/Requirements” review panel where these have been completed.
  • ESFA Commitment Statement: New and updated commitment statement features applied to the ESFA commitment statement. For further information, see: Improvements to the existing ESFA commitment statement.


Updates to ILR-related onboarding steps

We have updated some of the text in the ILR-related onboarding steps to make the guidance clearer for learners to answer. The following revisions have been made:

  • The question label: Health problem category (please select as many as are relevant)
    now reads: Please select the health problems, disabilities and/or learning difficulties? (select as many categories as necessary)
  • The question label: Primary health problem
    now reads: Which of these do you consider to be your primary health problem, disability or learning difficulty?
  • The question label: Care leaver
    now reads: Were you, or are you, in the care of a local authority?
  • The question label: Are you in full time education or training prior to enrolment?
    now reads: Are you currently in full-time education or training?
  • The heading: Learners Funding and Monitoring 
    now reads Education level
  • The question label: Contracted hours per week (if on zero contract hours, please state the hours as per your contract)
    now reads: How many hours do you work on average per week?

In addition, we have improved the label and instructions for the extended ILR section relating to uploading supporting evidence for eligibility.

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