This article explains how to import a list of individuals using a CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file, and create accounts for them using the Classic user interface.
Import a list to create Learners
This function allows you to import a list of individuals to create learners and to activate them in Aptem.
- Sign in to your administrator account.
- In the navigation panel click the ‘Users Overview’ tile to display the users group profile page.
- Select the ‘Upload Users’ tab. The upload window is shown. To import successfully a Comma Separated Variable file (*.CSV) it must conform to the Aptem standard of many rows of Learner records containing many fields separated by Commas (,) or Semi-Colons (;). The names of the fields are fixed absolutely in the Aptem system and must NOT be changed or the attempted import will fail. Click the
icon to show the 'CSV file format for importing users' dialog:
The .CSV file should contain the following columns in exactly the same order: - First name (text, up to 50 characters) - Last name (text, up to 50 characters) - Email (text, up to 256 characters) - Reference number (text, up to 256 characters) - Group name (text, up to 50 characters) - DOB (date, format dd/MM/yyyy) - Mobile (text, valid phone number) - Address line 1 (text, up to 256 characters) - Address line 2 (text, up to 256 characters) - Town (text, up to 50 characters) - County (text, up to 50 characters) - Postal code (text, up to 16 characters) - Gender (character, m - male, f - female) - NI number (text, up to 256 characters) - Case owner (text, up to 100 characters) - Min rate of pay (National Minimum Wage OR National Apprenticeship Wage OR National Living Wage) - Employer name (text, up to 100 characters) - EDRS (text) - Employer address line 1 (text, up to 255 characters) - Employer address line 2 (text, up to 255 characters) - Employer town (text, up to 255 characters) - Employer county (text, up to 255 characters) - Employer postal code (text, up to 16 characters) - Employer contact first name (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer contact last name (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer contact email (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer contact phone (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer job title (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer mentor first name (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer mentor last name (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer mentor email (text, up to 100 characters) - Employer mentor phone (text, up to 100 characters) - Programme (text, up to 256 characters) - Programme start date (date, format dd/MM/yyyy) - Programme end date (date, format dd/MM/yyyy) - Programme length value (number) - Programme length unit (string, format: days, weeks, months) - ULN (text, up to 256 characters) - Job title (text, up to 256 characters) - Employment start date (date, format dd/MM/yyyy) - Weekly hours (number) - Planned hours (number)
- Click the hyperlinked word 'here' in the Upload dialog to open a sample file containing all the column headings in an Excel file (or you can use equivalent software).
- You can use the file to construct a list of learners (containing at least the mandatory fields First name, Last name, Email, and ideally the Reference Number, Group, Programme) you wish to import and enrol to Aptem.
- Enter the details using one row per person.
- Check that there are no spaces in the email addresses.
- If the group column is left empty for any of the users, they will be added to the group shown on the screen.
- Save as a *.csv file using the desktop version of Excel (the CSV format not supported in the web version).
- If you do not want email enrolment invitations to be sent automatically to the new users, untick the ‘Send invitations’ box.
- Select the file you have created from the 'Upload Users' dialog together with the other optional selections you need as shown below.
- If you do not want email invitations to be sent automatically to the new users, untick the ‘Send invitations’ box.
- Click the ‘Upload’ button.
![]() |
![]() |
Upload Users Dialog Box | Selections made |
5. The information in the CSV file will be processed and displayed onscreen. This is for you to check before proceeding with creating accounts for each individual on the list. See also Additional Notes below.
Click ‘Import’ to confirm that you wish to create these Aptem accounts.
A confirmation message is shown stating how many people were imported. An account will be created for each person on the list with a valid entry. If the ‘send invitations’ box was ticked, each person will receive an activation email. The user must click the link in the email and create a password for the account.
Click ‘OK’ to finish. You have the option to view a confirmation report of people uploaded to your account. Click the ‘Export results’ link to open a file showing the status of the upload. You can check if there were any errors which prevented an invitation being sent. This might take place, for example, if you miss a name or an email address or use an invalid email address. This also might occur if an email address in the list had previously been used to create an Aptem account.
Additional Notes
Duplicate record options
After the file upload, the Import users screen is displayed. Here, you are presented with a list of all the records. Potential duplicates are highlighted. You can select whether or not you want to import the duplicate records. To view your options, click the link in the message column of the duplicate record.
A popup titled Duplicates is displayed. You can choose to either cancel the creation of the user, or to update the existing user.
Make your choices and click Ok.
Back on the Import users screen, click Import to complete the process. You will receive confirmation that the import has been successful. You will also receive an email with the details of the import.
Tips for ensuring a successful file upload
- Do not rename any of the column headers as this will cause an error.
- If you are updating records using the CSV upload, there are two sets of fields such that if you upload null values via the CSV upload, they will overwrite existing values in the system (i.e. change them to null):
- Programme
- Programme (name)
- Programme start date
- Programme end date
- Employment status
- EDRS (Employer Data Record Service (see Glossary)
- Job title
- Employment start date
- Weekly hours
- If you do not intend to change the values of any of these fields, you must not upload blank values in the CSV upload. With the exception of the 7 fields listed above, any other fields uploaded as blank on the CSV upload spreadsheet do not have an impact on overwriting existing system data.