Aptem masterclass: Good practice end-to-end process onboarding

How to use Aptem to maximum effect for onboarding learners?

In this session, the product team walked through some of the fantastic features of Aptem with a focus on keeping learners engaged during the onboarding process whilst ensuring that the process captures what you need for compliance.


The following is a transcript of the questions asked during the webinar, along with the experts' answers. For any further information, do contact your IC or support.


We would use the wizard onboarding programme shown here for apprentices?

Yes you can set up an onboarding programme with a wizard like this for apprentices. When you have checked eligibility and the learner is ready to go onto programme you will then transfer the learner to a delivery programme where they can sign compliance documents and begin their learning using the learning plan. Our example was built around an apprenticeship enrolment.

How do we get our information to look like this with good visuals, video and images.

The embedding of images and video can be done in the onboarding set-up for any text step. Along the top you will see icons for inserting hyperlinks, images, files and an html editor where you can insert the html for a video to embed. You can also enhance the quality of the content using the html editor if you have expertise in that area.

Can we have extra support to build our programmes and improve the onboarding process.

We want you to get the best out of Aptem, so please talk to your Customer Success Manager to discuss what you need. We will also look at doing a similar webinar to show the steps to creating the various stages and components of the onboarding process.

Where does the learner's OTJ total get calculated and added to their profile?

When you enrol the learner onto the delivery programme, contracted hours and duration will set the OTJ 20% hours requirement. The hours set in the learning plan will also be shown so you can set the correct hours for the ILR and compliance documents. These will be shown in the learner's profile and will be used in calculations and metrics.

Do you usually ask the learners to complete initial assessment if they already have Eng and maths level 2? Or is this where we'd use the exemption evidence allowed?

We would suggest that all learners should do an initial FS assessment even where they do already have English and Maths exemption evidence at level 2. However you need to be guided by the funding rules in your interpretation and decision around this.

Can these processes be set up to 'Not Allow' moving forward until completed?

You can set the onboarding process to be mandatory yes and most steps, including ILR and other data collection will require full completion before the learner is able to move on. Where you set individual custom questions, again you can make these optional or mandatory. We cannot however make all steps in onboarding mandatory; for example, we cannot make the BKSB step mandatory because there is no immediate response from BKSB through the API. We can therefore only tell whether the screen/link has been used.

Can you link BKSB Initial Assessments complete on own BKSB account prior to onboarding rather than inputting the data manually?

Aptem can return initial assessment and diagnostic assessment results from BKSB and Skills Forward through the API process, but could not bring back any assessments that were already done in BKSB prior to this. However, if you have those prior assessments you could of course attach them to the learner as evidence.

How or where can I see the cert uploaded from the learner under the education history?

If you include the PLR screen in your eligibility checks for the learner, as well as being able to bring in the PLR or obtain a ULN, you will see and can open any certificates/evidence uploaded by the learner in completing their education history.

Can you have a step for uploading documents which then pulls through to the documents tile?

As described above, the documents will be included and are attached to the eligibility review for future access. The documents will not currently be copied across to the learner's main document store, but we are looking at the question of where documents will appear in future, so this may be possible.


With the skills radar, how do you suggest we do this for KSBs for a programme with over 100 KSBs (eg. registered nurse)

Good point yes. Whilst Skills for health recommend using the KSBs, it may make sense where there are 100 or more to for instance ask questions around the Duties (a much shorter list) and have a mapping of duties to KSBs to demonstrate the link to them in the background.

So we can re-design the skills radar?

Hi. Yes you can create the questions (either your own or using the KSBs from the list for that standard) and can decide how many/what levels to use. This is managed through the 'Competencies' tile and through the 'Compentencies' token in the programme's settings.


Is the skills radar learner-led, or does a staff member need to ask the questions? Also, I would like to get the employer involved in countersigning the skills radar, is this possible?

During onboarding, the learner completes the skills radar. As part of the eligibility review, the provider can review their answers and perhaps having discussed the learner assessment with the learner and/or employer can make their own assessment. Once the learner is on programme, the tutor can lead further skills radar assessments as part of a tripartite or other review. Later this year we will be releasing new funtionality that would allow you to make sections of a review (including the skills radar) available to learners and/or employers to complete which would enable you to decide who completes/contributes to skills radar and other sections.

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