August 2021

Release 4.29

Improvements to reviews

Following customer feedback, we have started a series of improvements to our review functionality. Later this year, we will be introducing the ability to control which sections of a review are visible to system users. Furthermore, we will be adding the ability for jobseekers, learners, and/or line managers to contribute to the reviews in advance of a meeting.

This month we have added the ability to update the programme status of a learner/jobseeker from a review. This feature is available on the tutor console.


Changes to Power BI reporting

We are pleased to announce that as part of the planned migration of existing functionality to Aptem console the Power BI Reports are now available.

As part of this migration we have enhanced the functionality to provide a greater degree of control over what Power BI reports an administrator can view in the console.

You can now control which reports are accessible to the administrator using the new Power BI report roles. Please note that when Power BI roles are applied, it will take some time for the reports to show. The reports cannot be seen immediately.

For detailed information on Power BI reports, please refer to the Tutors > Reporting or Work Coaches > Reporting sections.

Please note that in the November product update we will be removing Power BI Reports from Aptem classic, and it will be accessible via console only. As part of this change it will also remove the general Power BI role.


Updates to administrator roles

For the latest list of roles, see: List of Administrator Roles.

New Power BI report roles

To control which reports are accessible to administrators, the following Power BI report roles have been added:

  • Power BI Caseload Report
  • Power BI Compliance Report
  • Power BI Funding Report
  • Power BI Quality Report
  • Power BI Employ Report


Additional console roles

To provide a greater degree of control over what records an administrator can view and edit in the console, we are adding the following additional roles:

  • Control whether a tutor can manage only "My learners" as the case owner or have access to "All learners" in the tutor console.

  • Control whether a tutor has the ability to sign compliance documents through the tutor console.

  • Control whether a tutor has the ability to sign compliance documents on behalf of other administrators through the tutor console.

  • Control whether an administrator has the ability to sign reviews on behalf of other tutors through the tutor console.

  • Control whether a tutor can give a trainee tutor feedback on their marking.

  • Restrict who can edit Functional Skills exemptions and results in a Review.


Role to add components

The ability to add a component to a learner’s learning plan is now restricted to by roles. Tutors with the Advanced Delivery Management (Add) role can add components to a learner's learning plan. Existing tutors will be automatically assigned this role, while new tutors will need to have this role added when their account is being created/edited.


Employer console updates

In preparation for allowing employers to contribute to reviews and to allow for further employer functionality to be migrated from Aptem classic to the console, we are making some basic updates to the employer console interface to have a navigation similar to the tutor console.


OData additions

Following customer feedback, we have started a series of additions to our OData APIs. This month we have added the following record sets to the OData feed:

  • Remaining fields added for the "Apprenticeship Financial Record" entity set
  • Remaining fields added for the "Learning Plan Components" entity set
  • Additional fields to allow the linking of Reviews to Learning Plan Components
  • Additional fields to allow the linking of Users to Learning Plan ILR Aims


Mandating of activities

The functionality to make an activity on an Action plan mandatory is available for clients where it is required to manage, track and report engagement to the primary funders of a programme (i.e., DWP). The mandation process will enable you to control whether a participant should be subject to mandation based on the conditionality of the benefits they receive, and the contractual compliance requirements of the programme being delivered. This functionality and its associated features are applicable to the DWP Restart programme only, and are available on Aptem console.


Mandating activity

Administrators with the supervisor role can now specify if a participant is subject to mandatory activities in relation to the employability programme that they are being supported on. This enables work coaches to set activities as being mandated for their participants. Participants must complete such activities or risk being sanctioned under their terms of receiving benefits i.e., their universal credit might be reduced.

For further details, see: Making activity mandatory for a participant.


Mark as not complete

Work Coaches can now mark an activity as 'not complete', and thus record where participants have failed to complete the activities assigned to them.

For further details, see: Marking an activity as 'Not Completed'.


Monitoring trackers

Compliance Administrators will now be able to monitor when a mandatory activity for a participant is overdue and take appropriate action where required. This will enable compliance administrators to better manage programme and participant engagement risks.

For further information, see: Mandation Monitoring.


Display markers

The ability to create custom markers to be displayed within the personal details section of a participant profile is an important support tool for administrators and work coaches. This functionality and its associated features are applicable to the DWP Restart programme only, and are available on Aptem console.

Enabling the functionality and adding markers

Administrators can enable the markers functionality and adds markers using the tenant settings. This will then enable work coaches to activate support markers on a participant’s record.

For more information, see: Creating markers for a tenant.


Enable markers on a participant profile

Work Coaches can now activate support markers on a participant’s record to manage their caseload effectively i.e., to indicate risks or special support requirements when working with a participant.

For more information, see: Enabling and disabling markers on a participant profile.


Bug fixes and minor updates

  • The platform will now send an email when a learner is applied to a new delivery programme.
  • It is be possible to set the manager for a learner using the Id of the manager record when adding or updating a learner record using the APIs.
  • We have corrected the commitment statement behaviour to not show reviews that are not visible to the learner.
  • When assigning a sub-programme that contains ILR learning aims, the standard/framework code from the main aim will not be added.
  • Administrators/Employers will now see the programme details relevant to only those learners that they have access to, via their security settings/groups access.
  • Work coaches / Administrators, when creating a job outcome tracker in console, will now be able to add the employer details from the tracker. This feature is applicable to the DWP Restart programme only, and is available on Aptem console.

  • Tutors/Trainee Tutors will now receive notifications when a component, for which they are the component owner, is verified by an IQA.

  • Scheduled email notifications will now be sent from 6am rather than 7am.
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