Process automation helps you reduce the amount of administrative effort in managing learners and helps you ensure compliance.
The Completion of a component aim automation process tracks the progress of component aims recorded in the learning plan and generates a tracker upon the mapped criteria reaching 100%. When processed, the tracker updates the ILR record to reflect the completion of the aim, and updates the "Awarding body qualifications" tile. Please note that this process automation applies only to component aims, and does not apply to programme aims.
Process automations are designed to eliminate the possibility of errors in re-keying and reduce the associated administrative effort in updating the relevant areas of the system. The automation also includes an approval process that involves an administrator reviewing the request. This ensures that you have complete control over changes made to your learners' data.
This process automation makes the following changes:
- Updates the ILR to reflect the completion of the component aim.
- Updates the associated ILR fields: CompStatus, LearnActEndDate, Outcome.
Updates ACT record and/or LSF record where present, and sets 'date to' to the completion date specified in the tracker.
- Sets the Outcome Grade (OutGrade) to the grade value entered in tracker, if specified.
Where the aim reference exists in qualifications table:
Sets qualification status to "Qualification Achieved".
Sets "Achievement date" to "completion date" from the tracker.
If multiple aims exists with identical aim reference numbers, all of the aims will be updated.
- This process automation will be applicable to any learners who are "Active".
- This tracker cannot be applied where the programme does not have an active programme aim.
- This process automation applies only to component aims, and does not apply to programme aims.
- Multiple Trackers may be automatically triggered for the sam component aim if additional components have been added to the Learners learning plan.
- The process automation does not apply to excluded aims or where ILR status is set to excluded.
- This process automation is limited to delivery programmes only, as this is where funding rules require changes to be monitored.
The Completion of a component aim process automation can be turned on or off at the tenant level. This provides administrators with complete control over this feature.
By default, this configuration is set to OFF. Administrators with the Manage Tenant Settings permission can navigate to Settings>General to configure their process automation tracker settings. For more information, see: Configure Process Automation settings for your tenant.
An additional configuration step for this process automation is done at programme level. A programme manager can mark which qualifications should be internally verified.
Click on the Programmes tile. Navigate to your programme, and click Edit.
The Programme Builder screen is displayed. Select the Qualification token.
Use the Add Qualification or Edit Qualification screen to specify an Assessment Method and an Assessment Level.
Assessment Method is a mandatory field where you can choose from:
- 'Internally Assessed'
- 'Externally Assessed'
Assessment Level is a mandatory field where you can choose from:
- "Qualification Level Assessment" (default)
- "Unit Level Assessment"
In case of some qualifications, you can set the Assessment Level at 'Outcome' level.
The following steps describe the workflow for the Completion of a component aim process automation.
- The Completion of a component aim tracker cannot be created from the tracker drop down list. A Completion of a component aim tracker is created when the component aim "programme progress" reaches 100% on the learning plan. But in cases where an edit to the programme mappings causes the progress to temporarily reach 100%, the tracker is not created.
- When created, the tracker contains the following details/fields:
- The Learner, Type, and Description are read-only fields
Status: For new trackers, this will be New. The available status are:
Further Action Required
- Assignee: Set an assignee for the tracker.
- Qualification details: This read-only section contains details like the Qualification Name, Reference number, and Awarding organisation. In case of internally assessed qualifications, the administrator can also view the QA Details for that aim.
- Completion date: The date of completion of the qualification - this will be populated in the ILR.
Completion status and Outcome: This is a mandatory field and has the following options:
Achieved (Completion Status 2, Outcome 1)
Not Achieved (Completion Status 2, Outcome 3)
- Grade: If there is a grade associated with the qualification - this will be populated in the ILR, where appropriate.
- Notes: A section to document anything relevant to the tracker.
- A user with the Process Automation Trackers (pre-authorise) role, typically a line manager, can preauthorise the request. This will preauthorise the request, but it wont submit the details for change until it has been processed.
- A user with the Process Automation Trackers (process) role, typically a senior administrator, can then process the request.
- The administrator views the tracker. To edit the tracker, the administrator must click the options icon ⋮ on the far right, under the Actions column.
In case of internally assessed qualifications, the administrator can review the QA Details. If the Quality Assured percentage falls short of the QA required and Planned for QA percentages, the administrator can set the tracker status as Further Action Required. While the tracker is in the Further Action Required status, you can write to the tutor and add notes to the tracker.
Users with Process Automation Trackers (edit) role, Process Automation Trackers (pre-authorise) role, or Process Automation Trackers (process) role will be able to set the tracker to the Further Action Required status. Once a tracker is saved with this status, then subsequently only the Pre-Authorised and Rejected status options will be available. - The administrator then sets the status to process or rejected, and clicks Save.
- If the administrator rejects the request, the tracker will be closed and no changes will be made.
- If the administrator approves the request, the process automation makes the following changes:
- Updates the ILR to reflect the completion of the component aim.
- Updates the associated ILR fields: CompStatus, LearnActEndDate, Outcome.
- Updates ACT record and/or LSF record where present, and sets 'date to' to the completion date specified in the tracker.
- Sets the Outcome Grade (OutGrade) to the grade value entered in tracker, if specified.
Where the aim reference exists in qualifications table:
Sets qualification status to "Qualification Achieved".
Sets "Achievement date" to "completion date" from the tracker.
If multiple aims exists with identical aim reference numbers, all of the aims will be updated.
Please refer to the following cases and the behaviour associated with each case:
Case 1: If you include in the ILR template for a programme, a component aim with a qualification number in it, but do not include it in the Qualification token.
- Behaviour: When a learner is enrolled onto that programme, it will be added to the ILR, and there will be a REGINSERT record qualification awarding body created, but with a status of Registration not required.
Case 2: If you include it in the Qualification token but not in the ILR template
- Behaviour: When you enroll that learner, then it wont add it to the ILR, but it will add it to the awarding body qualifications as a record with a status of Not registered.
Case 3: If you add it to the Qualification token and to the ILR template, i.e., there is a matching reference number between the two.
- Behaviour: It will, at enrolment, add it to the ILR and add it to the awarding body qualification section as a record with the status of Not registered. Except when, at enrolment, you mark it as exempt. In this case, if you have it in the ILR template, it wont include it in the ILR. Irrelevant of whether you have it in the Qualification token or not, it will add a record in the awarding body qualification section with a status of exempted.
Case 1: If you include in the ILR template for a programme, a component aim with a qualification number in it, but do not include it in the Qualification token.
This process automation is currently available for a limited set of qualifications; however, this list continues to grow. If you wish to use this functionality, but are unable to see the qualification you require, please contact our support team, who would be more than happy to help.