Creating an Administrator Account (Classic)


Administrators with the Create Admins permission can use the Users tile to create administrator accounts in Aptem.


Create an Administrator Account

  1. Sign into your administrator account.
  2. Provided that you have the Create Admins role, you will be able to create an administrator account in Aptem.
  3. From the navigation panel, click on the Users tile. 


  4. The Users page is displayed. Click Create. Select Admin from the dropdown list. Click Yes on the confirmation screen.
  5. The admin registration details can then be completed. Fields that have (M) are mandatory to complete while fields with (O) are optional.
    1. Complete all personal details for the new administrator.
    2. Group - Set the group that the administrator should be able to access. The administrator will only see the learners/users and reports relating to the chosen group and any subgroup(s).
    3. Roles - If you wish to grant specific additional roles, you can select and assign them to the administrator account. For a complete list of roles, see: List of Administrator Roles.
    4. Position - Select from the scroll down menu, or click Add if the position for which you are searching has not yet been created. This field is optional.
    5. Share of assessments to be verified - Specify the share of assessments to be verified.
    6. Caseload capacity - Specify the caseload capacity.
    7. Access to console and classic - Define the new administrator's access rights to the Aptem console and Aptem classic.

Click Create.


Tiles available to a standard administrator 

If you wish to create a standard administrator account, you do not need to choose any additional roles. The administrator can manage users, have access to the user profile page and its sections without any restrictions.

Without any additional roles assigned, you can see the following tiles:

  • Activations
  • Activations Access Codes
  • Awarding Body Qualifications
  • Candidates
  • Competencies
  • Course Assessments
  • Course Reports
  • Directory
  • Found Work
  • Job Finder
  • Milestones
  • My Calendar
  • Placement/Workshop Users
  • Placement/Workshops – no ability to create or edit placements and workshops
  • Progress reports
  • Review Signatures
  • Signatures
  • Site Monitor
  • Trackers
  • Unverified Hours
  • Users – no ability to create new users
  • Users Generic Report
  • Users overview
  • Users Time
  • Users Usage

Note that some of the tiles are only visible to you if the relevant tokens are enabled on your tenant.

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