Submitting evidence


For activities that require evidence, you can submit evidence on behalf of the participant. This can be submitted as a file or as a note.  A note simply gives the ability to enter text which can then be used as evidence.  While submitting evidence, you must state whether the evidence counts towards Off-the-Job Hours or not.


Submitting evidence

Click on the action plan for an individual participant.

Click on the title of the learning activity for which you wish to upload evidence as a file or a note. The section will be expanded showing a brief description of the activity. Click the expand icon (two outward facing arrows) to view these details in an expanded view.


Adding a file as evidence

To upload a file as evidence, click Upload File and then browse to the file on your device.


You can specify the evidence type from the following list: 

  • CPD
  • Observation
  • Oral questions
  • Other
  • Personal Statement
  • Product Evidence
  • Professional Discussion
  • Project
  • Tests/Exam
  • Witness testimony
  • Written questions

In the Completion Date field, enter the date when the piece of evidence was produced.

If the evidence counts towards Off-the-Job Hours enter the number of hours and/or minutes in hh:mm (hours and minutes) format.  You must also select the Off-the-Job Hours Type from the drop-down list.

If the evidence does not count towards Off-the-Job Hours, un-tick the box.

Use Select Files or drag and drop the file to upload. Only one file can be uploaded at a time. If you want to upload multiple files, you can zip them together and upload a single zipped file.

The supported file types are: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx, .txt, .csv, .eml, .msg, .zip, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .mp3, .mpeg, .aac, .flac, .mp4a, .m4a, .wav, .wma, .aiff, .3gp, .mp4, .avi, .flv, .m4v, .webm, .wmv, .odt, .ods, .odp, .arf and .wrf

Please ensure that the file you are uploading does not exceed 1 GB.

Click Save.


This will upload the file from your computer and store it within the action plan activity. The file name or note will be shown below the activity in the evidence panel. The evidence is now available for you to mark.


If Learners have incorrectly labelled the uploaded document, they will need to delete the existing file, and rename it on their system before reuploading the file.


Adding a note as evidence

To add a note as evidence, click Add Note.


Specify the note type from the following list: 

  • CPD
  • Observation
  • Oral questions
  • Other
  • Personal Statement
  • Product Evidence
  • Professional Discussion
  • Project
  • Tests/Exam
  • Witness testimony
  • Written questions

In the Completion Date field, enter the date when the piece of evidence was produced.  As you are entering the note today this is the default value.

If the evidence counts towards Off-the-Job Hours enter the number of hours and/or minutes in HH:MM format.  You must also select the Off-the-Job Hours Type from the drop-down list.

If the evidence does not count towards Off-the-Job Hours, un-tick the box.

Type the note in the textbox, this is the evidence that you will be marking against.

Click Save.

This will upload the file from your computer and store it within the action plan activity. The file name or note will be shown below the activity in the evidence panel. The evidence is now available for you to mark.


Recording off-the-job hours

While submitting evidence, you must state whether the evidence counts towards Off-the-Job Hours. You must un-tick the box if the evidence does not count towards Off-the-Job Hours, for example Functional Skills evidence. 


  • Enter the amount of time spent on the activity using ‘hh:mm’ format (hours and minutes)
  • Specify the Off-the-Job Hours type:
      • This work was completed in my own time and I am being paid
      • This work was completed in my own time and I am receiving TOIL (time-off in lieu) 
      • This work was completed during paid working hours
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