FAQ: Why is the component still not showing as complete?

  1. “I have uploaded evidence and assessed it."

    Some component types need more than just uploaded evidence.  For example, a Digital Learning component uses SCORM assets.  These assets may contain sections such as questionnaires. You can upload evidence to a digital component, but the content of the digital learning must be finished too for Aptem to recognise that this component is completed. Please check component progress percentage to confirm if the Learner has completed the content in full.

    Please also check that the evidence uploaded to the component has been accepted against the criteria that is mapped to it.

    If the evidence fails to meet all the mapped criteria, the component will remain incomplete until all criteria are adequately evidenced and that evidence has been accepted.

  2. “I have uploaded evidence and the learner has completed the component content."

    Check the component - is it set to “Tutor decides”?  If yes, this means that assessing the evidence and completing the content isn't enough – the Administrator/Tutor must click “Complete” to close the component.

  3. “My component is a Workshop – I have assessed the evidence. Why wont it complete?"

    A workshop component has an extra stage for completion – verifying the attendance hours.  Please make sure you verify that the learner(s) attended. This can be done from the Unverified Hours Tile.

  4. “I have an Assignment task – why won’t it complete?”

    A task-style component will create a calendar entry for the learner - they must mark this as complete as well as the component in their learning plan.

  5. “The component has been completed and all submitted evidence has been assessed and accepted. Why hasn’t the Progress Percentage increased?”

    Please use the edit option to edit the component build, and confirm if ‘Require Evidence’ has been ticked. If not, please tick this option and update the component. This option allows Aptem to calculate progress percentage using the criteria the submitted evidence has been assessed against. Please note, if this has not been ticked on the Learning Plan template, you will also need to amend this, and use the synchronise component function to ensure this change is synchronised to all Learners on the Programme.
  6. The component continues to display "Evidence Required" even after submitting and assessing the evidence.

    Please verify if the component has been uploaded with the minimum required pieces of evidence, as specified in the Component configuration under the field 'Minimum No. of Evidence'. For instance, in the provided example, the component requires 25 pieces of evidence to be uploaded. Until the specified 25 pieces of evidence are uploaded, the component status will remain as 'Evidence Required'. Once 25 pieces of evidence are uploaded, the component status will transition to 'Evidence Submitted'.

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