Overview (Task)


As a Tutor, you can view your calendar, your group's or learner’s calendars. You can create and edit existing tasks in different views, and mark tasks as ‘completed’. Marking an item as complete will stop the ‘Overdue’ notification reminders that both you and your learner receive. 

To view your tasks, click Tasks from the left menu.

To view your learner's tasks, click Tasks from the learner navigation menu of your learner's record. 

The Tasks screen is displayed.

Here, you can view events and tasks that involve you or need your input. These include reminders for items such as meetings, phone calls and progress reviews. Your calendar will be automatically populated with tasks relating to the learners for whom you are responsible.

You can see a calendar view or you can modify this and choose a Day / Week / Month / Agenda style view.


A list of tasks is displayed on the right, in chronological order.

To view task details, click on a card in either the calendar, or the chronological display. 


You can also add a new task or editing an existing task.

Note that where tasks have been created via a learning plan activity, you must continue to update the task information via the learning plan activity. The relevant 'role' for editing learning plan activities must also have been assigned. If you update the task information directly within the task, this will remove the 'link' between the task and the learning plan activity and they will then be treated as separate entities.


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