Marking evidence


Submitted evidence is attached to a learning plan activity.  After reviewing the attached evidence, you can then mark the evidence against relevant criteria, verify the off-the-job hours indicated, provide developmental feedback, and then accept or refer the submitted evidence.


Marking evidence

On the Learners page, you can use the quick filter to show learners who Require Marking.

Navigate to the learner's learning plan and if needed you can then use the filters to view all learning plan activities with a status of Evidence Submitted.

Click on the title of the learning activity for which you wish to mark evidence. The activity details open in the panel to your right.


You will see one or more documents or notes under the Evidence tab.

Click Mark Evidence.

The Mark evidence screen is displayed.



Selecting evidence

To your left, you see the evidence that requires marking. For cases where more than one evidence submission is ready for marking, click on the evidence you wish to mark first.

The Evidence will be displayed in the section on your right. The Map Criteria section shows the criteria that the evidence is mapped to. The Feedback History section records the feedback received on that piece of evidence.

Click on the Evidence to view it. Depending on your internet browser settings, the evidence file will be displayed in a new browser tab or downloaded.  You can then carry out your review of the evidence that has been submitted.


Mapping criteria

Whilst reviewing the submitted evidence, you can view any of the pre-mapped criteria.  You have the ability to select further criteria from within the learner's programme, or deselect the pre-mapped criteria where the evidence does not meet the requirement.


Providing feedback

You must provide developmental feedback to the learner by writing in the Tutor Feedback text box.

This feedback will be sent to the learner via the messaging system and be recorded against the evidence as part of the audit trail.

Please note: This feedback is not sent to the Line Manager through the messaging system.


Accepting evidence

To accept the evidence, select Accepted under Submission Outcome.

The learner will then receive the feedback via the messaging system and the status of the evidence will change to Accepted

Where the learning plan activity was pre-mapped against the criteria and all of those criteria have been met this will then update the learners progress.

Please note: Progress will not increase until the pre-mapped criteria for the learning plan activity are met and accepted by the Tutor.


Referring evidence

To refer the evidence back to the learner, select Referred under Submission Outcome.

The learner will then receive the feedback via the messaging system and the status of the evidence will change to Referred.

The Learner will then submit further evidence which can then be marked by the Tutor until it is possible to Accept the evidence against the pre-mapped criteria that the learning plan activity was intended to cover.

Progress will not increase until the pre-mapped criteria for the learning plan activity are met and accepted.

Click Save or Save & Close.


Off-the-job Hours

Where the programme has the "Collect off-the-job hours" option selected on the 'programme requirements' token settings, you can see Off-the-job hours that have been recorded against each evidence.




You can also see the total number of planned and completed Off-the-job hours for the component.

Where evidence is in a status of 'Accepted', 'Trainee Accepted', 'QA Feedback Received' or 'QA Verified', these hours are counted towards total Off-the-job hours. You can see a tick icon against such pieces of evidence.

Where evidence is 'Referred', 'Trainee Referred', or 'Evidence Submitted', these hours are not counted towards the total Off-the-job hours. You can see a clock icon against such pieces of evidence.


Edit Off-the-job hours

You can click the 'edit' icon on the top-right to update/edit the OTJ hours figure.



An Evidence Details screen is displayed.

Here, you can edit the 'Evidence Type', choose from the dropdown list. Note that this is a mandatory field.

You can edit the Does this count towards Off-The-Job Hours?' field. You can edit the OTJ hours spent field, and the OTJ hours type field.



After you have made your changes, you must record a reason for the changes you have made. Click Save to save your settings.


View history of changes

You can view audit history which tracks the field changes, time/date stamp of the change and the admin user making the change. Click 'Show History' to view the history of changes.



Click 'Hide History' to revert to the standard view.

Note that if you have both the Assessor and the Internal Verifier role assigned to your account, you will only see the option to edit this information if you uploaded the evidence as the Tutor.

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