If you aren't sure which package you're on, please check with your Customer Success Manager.
See Aptem Apprentice Pricing for information about the packages.
The first phase of development focuses on efficiently housing information about the exercise within Aptem, enabling learners and tutors to easily access it via the Learning Plan. A streamlined process that encourages clarity of expectations and standardised assessment criteria for consistency, fairness and efficiency.
Learners can submit their exercises through the Aptem user interface including the addition of their OTJ hours.
Tutors are able to use this interface to mark the learner exercises adding in-line contextualised feedback.
Standard Aptem workflows remain the same allowing for criteria mapping and acceptance/ referral of exercise to remain.
Enabling the Marking Aid Feature
Marking Aid is currently undergoing an Early Adopters Programme with a number of select customers.
Please contact your CSM if you would like to be included within a Beta Trial later this year.