Learner epaPRO Assessment Records


epaPRO platform may store Assessment details for the registered Learner, which Aptem can echo in Learner Profile > End-Point Assessment tab. This brings value to the Tutor as they do not need to switch between two platforms in order to get recent updates on Learner assessment progress.

The details are synced with Aptem on daily or hourly basis, depending on tenant configuration.



Planning Meetings

Where new meetings are found in epaPRO, the meeting information is imported and recorded in Aptem against the learner record.

Once a meeting is recorded against a learner record, the meetings details are updated on a nightly basis/hourly (depending on tenant configuration) until the status is set to Cancelled or Completed.

The meeting records are shown in date order using Start date/time descending.

Each row in the grid displays the following information:

  • Start: date/time the meeting started

  • Duration: duration of the meeting

  • Type: Remote, Face to Face, Zoom Video, Teams

  • Status: Scheduled, Rescheduled, Cancelled, In Progress, Completed, Pending, Rejected

  • Reschedule reason: where status is "Rescheduled" or "Cancelled"



If no records, the section will not be displayed.

Assessment Plans

Where new plans are found, the plan information is imported and recorded in Aptem against the learner record. Once a Plan is recorded against a learner record, the plan details are updated on a nightly basis until the status is set to Cancelled.

The plan records are shown in descending order by Plan Id.

Each row in the grid should display the following information:

  • Status: In Progress, Cancelled, Completed

  • Learner consent: Yes/No

  • AO Verified: Yes/No y)

  • Created: date/time the plan was created

  • Updated: date/time the plan details were last updated

  • Elements: list of plan elements - details available when the Plan is expanded:

    • Name: assessment plan title

    • Description: assessment plan description

    • Scheduled Date: data the assessment plan is scheduled for



If no records, the section will not be displayed.

Assessment Results

Along with Assessment plans linked to the Learner, Aptem also checks for any results in the elements of a plan. Where results are found against plans, the result information and record are imported in Aptem against the learner record.

The result records are shown in ascending order by updated date.

Each row in the grid should display the following information:

  • Name/Description: assessment plan Name and Description
  • Pass/Fail: Pass, Fail, Void
  • Result: assessment result description
  • Next action: Resit, Retake, Failed if applicable
  • Earliest resit date: if applicable
  • Created: date/time the record was created
  • Updated: date/time the record was last updated
  • Details:
    • Learner feedback: Apprentice feedback
    • EPA Feedback: EPA feedback
    • EPA Next Steps: EPA next steps



If no records, the section will not be displayed.

Certification Result

If the Learner passed certification stage, Aptem will reflect this as well.

The result achieved by the Learner will be showing as Overall Result field under End-Point Assessment registration details.


epapro 12.png

If no certification result achieved, Overall Result field will be hidden in the page.

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