Editing Checkpoint Periodic trigger configuration


Once a Periodic configuration has been created, it is listed in a table as shown below with its Checkpoint configuration.



1. Click the Edit (pencil) icon on the far right of the periodic configurations row.


2. Within the 'Edit' screen edit the following fields as required:

  • Name: Name of the periodic configuration.
  • Programmes: Which programmes this configuration applies to. Note: Programmes can only be included within one configuration. The drop-down list of available programmes only shows programmes not currently added to a configuration. The programmes field can be used to remove programmes from the configuration.
  • Checkpoint Expiry: Checkpoint Expiry - Number of days after which the Checkpoint will expire and no longer be visible to the learner.
  • Number of questions & Frequency
    • The target number of Theory-based questions per Learning Plan Component KSB: Edit how many theory-based questions should appear per KSB. This value must be more than 0, and can be a maximum of 3.
    • The target number of Scenario-based questions per Learning Plan Component KSB: Edit how many scenario-based questions should appear per KSB. This value must be more than 0, and can be a maximum of 3.
    • Frequency: The interval by which the Checkpoints should be triggered. Options include day, week, month, quarter. Note - A Checkpoint will not be triggered if fewer than three KSBs have been mapped within the specified time period. Checkpoints are only generated when the learner has completed the minimum required number of components.
    • Start date: The date by which the first periodic Checkpoint should be triggered.
    • End date: An optional field denoting the date till which the Checkpoint is valid, i.e. the date up to which the learner can complete the Checkpoint. After this date, the Checkpoint will be removed from the learner's actions and will have a status of expired.


3. Select 'Save Changes' to apply these settings immediately to all learners on the chosen programmes who have been given the “Allow access to Checkpoint” permission.



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