FAQ - How can I add a Skills Radar (Competency) for a standard to an Onboarding programme?

To add the competency, you'll need to have a delivery programme set up with the standard added in the Learning Plan token. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Competencies token from the main start page within classic and click create. SR 1.png
  2. Add a name and click 'Add from standard/ framework'.
  3. Select the delivery programme, tick the required standard and click the 'Add Characteristics'. SR3.png

  4. Click save to save the Competency. 
  5. You can then go to the Competencies token of your onboarding programme and add the newly created Competency. SR4.png
  6. Type in the Competency name, select it and 'Add Competency' and confirm. 
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