Enabling the Virtual Assistant


If you aren't sure which package you're on, please check with your Customer Success Manager. 
See Aptem Apprentice Pricing for information about the packages.


Administrators with the 'Manage Tenant Settings’ permission can enable the Virtual Assistant for their tenant - for all programmes, or for specific programmes. The Virtual Assistant is part of the Enterprise packaging tier. 

Please contact your CSM/IC to gain access to this functionality if you do not have access to the virtual assistant within the tenant settings.


How to enable the Virtual Assistant

  1. Navigate to the Tenant Settings section within Console.
  2. Select the ‘Virtual Assistant’ option within the navigation options.
  3. Click ‘Configure’ to navigate to the Virtual Assistant configuration pages in order to enable the Virtual Assistant or amend the settings.image-20240920-123426-20241003-153345.png
  4. Use the toggle to enable the Virtual Assistant functionality. Once the toggle is set to enabled, you will be able to choose whether to enable the Virtual Assistant on all programmes across the tenant (default setting) or to specify which programmes the Virtual Assistant is available to.image-20240920-124031-20241003-153854.png
  5. Selecting ‘Only these programmes’ will allow you to choose from a dropdown the specific programmes already configured within the tenant.
  6. Once you are happy with the settings, click ‘Save Changes’.
  7. Once the changes are applied, this will enable the Virtual Assistant for all learners on the specified programmes immediately. Learners will be able to engage in discussions with the Virtual Assistant.


Learners will not be able to engage with the assistant if:

  • If the assistant is disabled, or
  • If the programmes that a learner is on has been removed from the configuration selection.
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