Tutor view of Virtual Assistant interaction


This page showcases the functionality that allows tutors to see how individual learners are interacting with the Virtual Assistant.


Tutor's view of learner interactions

Tutors can access a read-only view of their learners' conversations with the Virtual Assistant.

This can be found in the learner’s Learner Profile on a new tab called ‘Virtual Assistant History’. This will show when the learner is on a programme with a live assistant.

This can be used to aid the Tutor in identifying recent conversations and themes of questions the learner needs support with. A timestamp is also included on each message to show the frequency of interactions.

This will allow tutors to review the conversation and pick out areas they should reinforce with their learners during their contact time.



If the learner is yet to interact with the Virtual Assistant, the following screen is displayed to the tutor.




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