* Group learner enrolment


If you are managing the enrolment of several learners at a time, for example a cohort, you can assign a programme to a group or sub-set of learners from a group.


Enrolling a group of learners

To enrol learners on to a programme using this method, first navigate to the Users Overview tile. Now, select the option to Enrol Users.


The Enrol users popup is displayed. Select the programme you wish to enrol the learners on. 


Once you select a programme, the start date will be automatically populated.

If the programmes template contains a duration for the programme, the end date will also be automatically populated. This can be amended if required.

If the end date field is not populated, you can enter a date here using the date picker.


Migrate existing ILR aims

The Migrate existing ILR aims field should be left unchecked unless you have a specific need to relocate existing ILR aims into the new episode of learning.

Reach out to the support team if you require further help with this feature. By default, this option is set to ‘off’ as generally you will be moving a learner from an onboarding to a delivery programme.


Apprenticeship Delivery programs

If you select a Delivery programme that is also configured as an Apprenticeship, then the enrolment form displays some additional fields.

  • Employer start date
  • Working hours
  • Planned hours


Enter the Employer start date, the Weekly working hours, and the Planned hours.

The Minimum required hours will be populated based on your input.


Click Next to continue.

On this screen, you can select the learners you wish to enrol on the programme. You can use the available filters - ‘Group’, ‘Status’ and ‘Case owner’, to find the learners you are looking to enrol. 

If the required Learners do not appear in this list, it may be due to the destination programme not being added to the group the Learner is a member of. Once the programme is added to the group, the learner will appear in the user selection box. 


Once you have set your filters you can then select the learners that you wish to include in this allocation, either by checking the boxes next to their name or using ‘select all’ option. Check the box next on the top left of the table to select all users. Note that using this option selects all the users listed on that page.


Click Enrol to complete the process. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to proceed. Click Yes to proceed.

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