Activating your account - video


This article is a simple, straightforward introduction to show the first steps you need to take to become an apprentice or trainee in your chosen subject: a short video and the steps themselves containing links to the related Help articles.


First steps

  1. Following contact and your agreement to receive an invitation, you will be sent an email inviting you to activate your Aptem account.  So, take a look at the video below to get familiar with the process in advance.

  2. See the details at your own pace in the next article Activating your account – Aptem Help Centre. You can then activate your account - by following the online, automated step-by-step procedure.
  3. When your account is activated, you can log in to Aptem and immediately to the Onboarding process where you may provide some details to help your tutors and the system to help you with your apprenticeship training. 
  4. Following that, you continue to the next part of Getting Started, sharing really important information - about you and your upcoming training: Completing the ILR and Extended ILR – Aptem Help Centre.

ILR stands for Individual Learner Record, which is the record of your learning programme and your individual progress. The 'Extended ILR' is simply the second part of the ILR.


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